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Homicides by province/territory
Province/territory  2006  2005r Average 1996 to 2005
  Number of victims Rate1 Number of victims Rate1 Number of victims Rate1
Canada 605 1.85 663 2.05 583 1.88
Newfoundland and Labrador 7 1.37 11 2.14 5 0.94
Prince Edward Island 1 0.72 0 0.00 1 0.73
Nova Scotia 16 1.71 20 2.14 15 1.65
New Brunswick 7 0.93 9 1.20 8 1.09
Quebec 93 1.22 100 1.32 128 1.73
Ontario 196 1.54 219 1.74 177 1.50
Manitoba 39 3.31 49 4.17 38 3.28
Saskatchewan 40 4.06 43 4.34 31 3.04
Alberta 96 2.84 108 3.30 70 2.30
British Columbia 108 2.51 101 2.37 104 2.57
Yukon 0 0.00 1 3.21 2 5.51
Northwest Territories 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 6.08
Nunavut2 2 6.50 2 6.66 3 9.50
1.Rates are calculated per 100,000 population.
2.The average in Nunavut is calculated from 1999 to 2005.

Homicides by accused-victim relationship, 2006 
Victim killed by Number of victims % of solved homicides
Total homicides 605 ...
Current spouse (includes common-law) 62 14
Ex-spouse (includes separated and divorced) 16 4
Parent 31 7
Child 15 3
Other family 41 9
Boyfriend/girlfriend (current or former) 15 3
Close friend or neighbour 42 9
Casual acquaintance 91 20
Business relationship - Legal 7 2
Criminal relationship 54 12
Stranger 75 17
Unknown 3 1
Solved homicides 452 100
Unsolved homicides 153 ...
...not applicable

Homicides committed with a firearm by census metropolitan area, greater than 500,000 population, 2006 
Census metropolitan area (CMA) Total homicides Firearm homicides
  Number of victims Rate1 Number of victims Rate1
Toronto 99 1.83 34 0.63
Vancouver 55 2.52 15 0.69
Montréal 52 1.40 25 0.67
Edmonton 39 3.68 15 1.42
Calgary 26 2.34 6 0.54
Winnipeg 22 3.03 7 0.96
Ottawa2 16 1.81 8 0.90
Hamilton 7 1.00 3 0.43
Québec 7 0.96 0 0.00
1.Rates are calculated per 100,000 population.
2.Ottawa refers to the Ontario part of the Ottawa–Gatineau CMA.