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Current- and fixed-weighted export and import price indexes (2002=100) on a balance of payments basis are now available. Price indexes are listed from January 2002 to November 2008 for the five commodity sections and the major commodity groups (62 exports and 61 imports).
Current- and fixed-weighted US price indexes (2002=100) are also available on a customs basis. Price indexes are listed from January 2002 to November 2008. Included with the US commodity indexes are the 10 all-countries and US-only Standard International Trade Classification section indexes.
Indexes on a customs basis for the five commodity sections and the major commodity groups are also available upon request.
Available on CANSIM: tables 228-0001 to 228-0003, 228-0033, 228-0034, 228-0041 to 228-0043 and 228-0047 to 228-0055.
Definitions, data sources and methods: survey numbers, including related surveys, 2201, 2202 and 2203.
The November 2008 issue of Canadian International Merchandise Trade, Vol. 62, no. 11 (65-001-XWE, free), is now available from the Publications module of our website.
For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact the Marketing and Client Services Section (toll-free 1-800-294-5583), International Trade Division.