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Salaries and salary scales of full-time teaching staff at Canadian universities

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2009/2010 (preliminary report) (Previous release)

Information is now available on the salaries of full-time teaching staff at 68 Canadian universities, for the 2009/2010 academic year. The institutions included are all those that completed the survey by the beginning of August 2010.

The report, "Salaries and Salary Scales of Full-time Teaching Staff at Canadian Universities, 2009/2010: Preliminary Report", presents information on the salaries of full-time teaching staff at 31 Canadian universities for 2009/2010. The institutions included are those that completed the survey by the beginning of August and that have more than 100 staff. In 2008/2009, these institutions accounted for 45% of the full-time teaching staff of the 115 institutions included in the survey.

In addition, information on the 2009/2010 salary scales for full-time university teachers is also presented in this report and includes all those institutions (regardless of size) that provided this information by the beginning of August 2010.

This information is collected annually under the Universities and Colleges Academic Staff System.

Definitions, data sources and methods: survey number 3101.

The report "Salaries and Salary Scales of Full-time Teaching Staff at Canadian Universities, 2009/2010: Preliminary Report" is now available online as part of the Culture, Tourism and the Centre for Education Statistics: Research Papers (81-595-M2010086, free) series. From the Key resource module of our website, choose Publications.

For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact Client Services (toll-free 1-800-307-3382; 613-951-7608; fax: 613-951-4441;, Culture, Tourism and the Centre for Education Statistics.