Table 1
Employment Insurance: Statistics by province and territory – Seasonally adjusted

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Employment Insurance: Statistics by province and territory – Seasonally adjusted

Table summary
This table displays the results of employment insurance: statistics by province and territory – seasonally adjusted december 2011p, january 2012p, december 2011 to january 2012 and january 2011 to january 2012, calculated using number, change in number and % change units of measure (appearing as column headers).

  December 2011Note p: preliminary January 2012Note p: preliminary December 2011 to January 2012 January 2011 to January 2012 December 2011 to January 2012 January 2011 to January 2012
  number change in number % change
Beneficiaries receiving regular benefits            
Canada 548,660 561,060 12,400 -77,450 2.3 -12.1
Newfoundland and Labrador 35,140 34,920 -220 -2,000 -0.6 -5.4
Prince Edward Island 8,180 8,230 50 -250 0.6 -2.9
Nova Scotia 31,280 31,070 -210 -1,570 -0.7 -4.8
New Brunswick 33,170 33,340 170 -700 0.5 -2.1
Quebec 163,550 172,190 8,640 -11,310 5.3 -6.2
Ontario 161,160 163,570 2,410 -29,040 1.5 -15.1
Manitoba 12,980 13,200 220 -1,400 1.7 -9.6
Saskatchewan 10,090 10,130 40 -1,610 0.4 -13.7
Alberta 29,320 29,410 90 -14,710 0.3 -33.3
British Columbia 60,550 60,810 260 -14,640 0.4 -19.4
Yukon 940 960 20 -20 2.1 -2.0
Northwest Territories 880 890 10 -50 1.1 -5.3
Nunavut 480 460 -20 -90 -4.2 -16.4
Initial and renewal claims received            
Canada 238,550 242,270 3,720 2,520 1.6 1.1
Newfoundland and Labrador 9,170 9,130 -40 -450 -0.4 -4.7
Prince Edward Island 2,520 2,540 20 -70 0.8 -2.7
Nova Scotia 10,210 10,070 -140 -220 -1.4 -2.1
New Brunswick 10,140 10,420 280 -420 2.8 -3.9
Quebec 69,610 72,680 3,070 1,400 4.4 2.0
Ontario 74,950 77,880 2,930 6,040 3.9 8.4
Manitoba 7,750 7,640 -110 -610 -1.4 -7.4
Saskatchewan 5,770 5,780 10 -40 0.2 -0.7
Alberta 18,530 17,090 -1,440 -2,410 -7.8 -12.4
British Columbia 27,730 26,830 -900 -2,100 -3.2 -7.3
Yukon 350 310 -40 -30 -11.4 -8.8
Northwest Territories 300 280 -20 -70 -6.7 -20.0
Nunavut 170 170 0 -60 0.0 -26.1