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Table 1 
July estimates of production of principal field crops

July estimates of production of principal field crops
  2012 (final) 2013 (final) July 20141 (preliminary) 2012 to 2013 2013 to July 2014
  tonnestonnestonnes % change% change
Total wheat2 27 205 200 37 529 600 27 704 700 38.0 -26.2
Spring wheat 18 845 400 27 238 700 19 972 300 44.5 -26.7
Durum wheat 4 626 600 6 504 500 4 953 200 40.6 -23.8
Winter wheat 3 733 200 3 786 400 2 779 200 1.4 -26.6
Canola 13 868 500 17 960 100 13 908 000 29.5 -22.6
Corn for grain 13 060 100 14 193 800 11 430 500 8.7 -19.5
Barley 8 012 300 10 237 100 7 163 600 27.8 -30.0
Soybeans 5 086 400 5 198 400 5 900 700 2.2 13.5
Dry field peas 3 340 800 3 849 300 3 558 000 15.2 -7.6
Oats 2 811 900 3 888 000 2 639 400 38.3 -32.1
Lentils 1 537 900 1 880 500 1 929 900 22.3 2.6
Flaxseed 488 900 712 300 908 100 45.7 27.5
Total dry beans 274 400 205 900 300 200 -25.0 45.8
Mustard seed 118 600 154 500 222 300 30.3 43.9
Canary seed 149 700 131 000 145 700 -12.5 11.2
Chick peas 161 400 169 400 142 500 5.0 -15.9
Sunflower seed 86 900 51 900 78 200 -40.3 50.7
 Figures may not add up to totals as a result of rounding.
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