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Table 1 
Investment in non-residential building construction, by building type, by province and territory – Seasonally adjusted

Investment in non-residential building construction, by building type, by province and territory – Seasonally adjusted
  First quarter 2014 Fourth quarter 2014 First quarter 2015 Fourth quarter 2014 to first quarter 2015 First quarter 2014 to first quarter 2015
  millions of dollarsmillions of dollarsmillions of dollars % change% change
Canada 12,858 13,012 12,855 -1.2 -0.0
Industrial 1,677 1,643 1,631 -0.7 -2.7
Commercial 7,772 7,880 7,734 -1.9 -0.5
Institutional 3,409 3,488 3,490 0.1 2.4
Newfoundland and Labrador 130 129 128 -0.9 -1.8
Industrial 22 22 19 -14.4 -12.5
Commercial 86 92 97 5.7 12.8
Institutional 23 15 12 -21.5 -47.0
Prince Edward Island 37 30 24 -21.8 -34.9
Industrial 6 7 3 -54.6 -46.6
Commercial 17 18 15 -17.8 -11.9
Institutional 14 6 6 1.7 -56.8
Nova Scotia 182 168 159 -5.3 -12.8
Industrial 20 30 28 -6.6 41.8
Commercial 115 105 105 0.4 -8.4
Institutional 48 33 26 -21.9 -46.0
New Brunswick 197 162 151 -7.1 -23.3
Industrial 10 14 17 19.9 64.3
Commercial 69 74 73 -0.8 6.9
Institutional 118 75 61 -18.3 -48.3
Quebec 2,611 2,506 2,478 -1.1 -5.1
Industrial 335 278 263 -5.4 -21.7
Commercial 1,384 1,268 1,274 0.4 -7.9
Institutional 892 960 941 -2.0 5.4
Ontario 4,814 4,967 4,867 -2.0 1.1
Industrial 596 702 710 1.2 19.2
Commercial 2,951 2,984 2,865 -4.0 -2.9
Institutional 1,267 1,281 1,292 0.9 2.0
Manitoba 396 470 450 -4.4 13.6
Industrial 67 54 46 -14.3 -30.4
Commercial 205 273 268 -1.7 30.5
Institutional 124 144 135 -5.9 9.1
Saskatchewan 459 450 435 -3.2 -5.2
Industrial 68 55 57 3.7 -15.8
Commercial 247 271 266 -1.8 7.8
Institutional 145 124 112 -9.4 -22.4
Alberta 2,623 2,712 2,745 1.2 4.6
Industrial 386 360 374 4.0 -3.1
Commercial 1,837 1,908 1,895 -0.7 3.1
Institutional 400 444 476 7.2 19.0
British Columbia 1,341 1,371 1,376 0.4 2.7
Industrial 161 116 110 -5.2 -31.6
Commercial 822 866 857 -1.0 4.2
Institutional 357 388 409 5.3 14.5
Yukon 12 15 19 23.8 65.5
Industrial 2 3 3 10.9 39.3
Commercial 7 7 7 6.9 11.1
Institutional 3 6 8 51.7 230.3
Northwest Territories 22 15 13 -11.3 -38.2
Industrial 2 4 2 -55.5 -32.9
Commercial 9 5 5 2.8 -39.5
Institutional 10 6 6 1.9 -38.2
Nunavut 37 17 12 -30.8 -68.3
Industrial 2 0 0 -66.7 -100.0
Commercial 26 10 7 -32.9 -73.8
Institutional 9 7 5 -27.7 -43.0
Data may not add up to totals as a result of rounding.
CANSIM table 026-0016.
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