Table 3 
Real gross domestic product by expenditure account, annualized change – Seasonally adjusted at annual rates, chained (2007) dollars 

Real gross domestic product by expenditure account, annualized change – Seasonally adjusted at annual rates, chained (2007) dollars
  First quarter 2014 Second quarter 2014 Third quarter 2014 Fourth quarter 2014 First quarter 2015 Second quarter 2015 First quarter 2015 Second quarter 2015
  quarter-to-quarter % change, annualizedquarter-to-quarter % change, annualizedquarter-to-quarter % change, annualizedquarter-to-quarter % change, annualizedquarter-to-quarter % change, annualizedquarter-to-quarter % change, annualized millions of dollarsmillions of dollars
Final consumption expenditure 0.8 3.6 1.7 1.8 0.3 2.0 1,357,388 1,364,073
Household final consumption expenditure 1.3 4.3 2.7 2.1 0.5 2.3 984,045 989,747
Non-profit institutions serving households' final consumption expenditure 3.1 -0.1 1.9 0.6 -1.7 0.6 25,268 25,308
General governments final consumption expenditure -0.7 2.2 -0.9 1.0 -0.2 1.2 349,374 350,393
Gross fixed capital formation -1.4 0.4 5.7 1.0 -8.3 -6.1 400,446 394,150
Business gross fixed capital formation -1.1 1.2 6.9 0.2 -10.9 -7.9 334,506 327,672
Residential structures -2.4 10.2 11.8 0.3 3.5 1.3 118,491 118,873
Non-residential structures, machinery and equipment -0.7 1.4 4.1 -2.0 -17.7 -12.0 185,580 179,758
Intellectual property products 1.0 -25.6 7.1 13.1 -18.6 -17.2 31,772 30,308
General governments gross fixed capital formation -2.9 -3.5 -0.7 5.9 5.6 3.4 63,802 64,334
Investment in inventories (millions of dollars) -2,566 -9,110 -4,491 7,341 3,503 -4,906 12,016 7,110
Exports of goods and services 0.5 19.6 8.4 -1.7 -1.4 0.4 558,280 558,854
Less: imports of goods and services -4.5 9.8 4.2 1.6 -1.4 -1.5 577,439 575,275
Statistical discrepancy (millions of dollars) -1,139 733 1,759 -869 330 36 979 1,015
Gross domestic product at market prices 1.0 3.4 3.2 2.2 -0.8 -0.5 1,761,564 1,759,190
Final domestic demand 0.3 2.8 2.6 1.6 -1.8 0.0 1,755,981 1,756,157
CANSIM table 380-0064.
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