Table 2 
Retail sales by industry – Seasonally adjusted 

Retail sales by industry – Seasonally adjusted
June to July 2015 July 2014 to July 2015
  millions of dollarsmillions of dollarsmillions of dollars % change% change
Total retail trade (current dollars) 42,585 43,129 43,345 0.5 1.8
Total retail trade (2007 chained dollars) 40,658 40,943 41,017 0.2 0.9
Total (current dollars) excluding motor vehicle and parts dealers 32,474 32,567 32,572 0.0 0.3
Total (current dollars) excluding motor vehicle and parts dealers and gasoline stations 26,951 27,741 27,755 0.1 3.0
Motor vehicle and parts dealers 10,111 10,562 10,774 2.0 6.6
New car dealers 8,325 8,599 8,830 2.7 6.1
Used car dealers 525 640 631 -1.5 20.0
Other motor vehicle dealers 605 645 634 -1.7 4.9
Automotive parts, accessories and tire stores 656 679 679 0.0 3.5
Furniture and home furnishings stores 1,370 1,412 1,401 -0.8 2.3
Furniture stores 864 888 886 -0.3 2.5
Home furnishings stores 506 523 515 -1.6 1.8
Electronics and appliance stores 1,229 1,277 1,256 -1.7 2.2
Building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers 2,428 2,523 2,505 -0.7 3.2
Food and beverage stores 9,266 9,450 9,402 -0.5 1.5
Supermarkets and other grocery (except convenience) stores 6,488 6,569 6,547 -0.3 0.9
Convenience stores 578 609 607 -0.3 5.0
Specialty food stores 496 519 529 2.0 6.7
Beer, wine and liquor stores 1,704 1,753 1,719 -1.9 0.9
Health and personal care stores 3,042 3,174 3,186 0.4 4.7
Gasoline stations 5,523 4,826 4,817 -0.2 -12.8
Clothing and clothing accessories stores 2,368 2,462 2,523 2.5 6.5
Clothing stores 1,867 1,925 1,978 2.8 6.0
Shoe stores 262 284 288 1.5 9.9
Jewellery, luggage and leather goods stores 240 253 257 1.6 7.0
Sporting goods, hobby, book and music stores 971 995 1,010 1.5 4.0
General merchandise stores 5,300 5,440 5,456 0.3 2.9
Miscellaneous store retailers 977 1,007 1,016 0.8 4.0
Figures may not add up to totals as a result of rounding.
CANSIM tables 080-0020 and 080-0024.
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