Video - Canadian Agriculture Statistics

Catalogue number: Catalogue number: 11-629-x

Issue number: 2014002

November 2014

Canadian Agriculture Statistics - Transcript

Census of Agriculture Video: Description of visuals

(Video title appears onscreen.)

Statistics Canada's produces a wealth of high-quality information on farms and farmers in Canada. This includes data concerning production and farming practices, demographics and economic indicators. For example, did you know: that in 2011, there were 22 farms for every supermarket in Canada.

(The camera begins panning downward to reveal a barn in front of a landscape and a tractor to the left of the barn. The camera then pans backwards to reveal a chicken, a cow and a pig. As the camera pans, the words "Production and farming practices, demographics and economics" are displayed onscreen.)

(The camera pans away from the first scene, and through the number "0" within the number "2011." The number rotates, and then disappears. A supermarket appears on screen. The camera pans backwards to reveal a map of Canada, and 22 images of farms are scattered around the map.)

The total greenhouse area in Canada was equivalent to over 14,000 regulation size National Hockey League rinks.

(The camera pans backwards through a greenhouse. After a couple of seconds, the vegetation inside the greenhouse transforms into an NHL hockey rink. The words "14,000 NHL hockey rinks" appear on screen, and two hockey players are seen skating on the ice.)

Canada produced enough chickens for every person in Toronto to have 6 wings during every Toronto Maple Leafs game in one regular season.

(The camera pans backward to reveal a living room. The previous scene appears on the television screen located on the wall which is bookended by two speakers. The camera stops to see a man sitting on the couch watching television. The screen shot of the living room cracks like an egg. Each half of the frame separates and moves out of view.)

Canada produced 7.7 billion eggs, which provided enough protein for everyone in Saskatchewan and Manitoba for a year.

(An egg moving backwards appears onscreen. The words "7.7 billion" are shown rotating around the egg. The egg suddenly falls through the sky. Several other eggs are seen free- falling behind the main one. The main egg hits the ground to form a map of Canada and the yolk highlights the provinces, "Saskatchewan" and "Manitoba.")

Canada produced enough apples to give all the people living in five provinces an apple a day for a whole year.

(The camera pans to the right (the previous scene disappears) into an orchard. The camera moves quickly forward through an orchard, and focuses on an apple falling off a tree. The apple contains a Canadian map. The provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island light up, and flags identify these provinces.)

The total supply of beef and veal in Canada was enough to provide each Canadian with a hamburger every day for a year.

(The bottom half of a hamburger bun is displayed in front of the map, and is quickly dressed with meat, lettuce and the top half of the hamburger bun to form a complete hamburger. The camera pans backwards, and a bite is taken out of the burger. A calendar appears below the hamburger, and the pages are ripped off, one by one, from January to December. A Canadian flag then appears overtop the calendar.)

The 2011 Census of Agriculture found that less than 1% of Canadians are farm operators. Yet all Canadians participate in the agri-food sector when they buy items at the grocery store. Statistics Canada opens the doors on agriculture in Canada, with high-quality information that ranges from the farm to the grocery aisle. Visit the Statistics Canada website to learn more!

(A tractor passes in front of the scene, revealing farmland. Bales of hay, three chickens and two cows appear on screen. The words "Less than 1% of Canadians are farm operators" appear on a sign onscreen. The camera pans backward from the farmland into a supermarket, where a silhouette of a woman is seen shopping, as well as a silhouette of a man pushing a cart though the market. This scene fades out through the window of a barn to reveal a landscape. Still moving backwards, a chicken appears and crows, with the website address coming out of its beak.)

(The scene fades to black, but the website address remains in view.)

(The website address fades to black, and the Canada wordmark fades in.)