Video - Meet Carmen DaRosa

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Meet Carmen DaRosa - Video transcript

(The Statistics Canada symbol and Canada wordmark appear on screen with the title: "Faces of StatCan: A closer look at our exceptional employees! Meet Carmen DaRosa")

I'm Carmen DaRosa and I'm one of the Faces of StatCan. I'm one of the leaders of Statistical Information Service. I'm responsible to create a strong team that is capable of providing user-centric services to the public. We try to make the data relatable and accessible to all Canadians.

I'm a big soccer fan—it's really in my blood. My favourite team is Porto and my favourite player is Ronaldo, even though he doesn't play for Porto. I'm very excited to be able to lead a team who are constantly adapting and evolving to the changing needs of Canadians. I know people talk about problems, but I prefer to say there's a solution. That's the satisfaction of the work is being able to provide that solution.

One word to sum up StatCan, I would say "relevance."

(Canada wordmark appears.)