Table 5.7
Selected per person income and product series

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Selected per person income and product series
  GDP at market prices Personal income Personal disposable income Personal expenditure Real GDP (chained 2002 dollars) Personal expenditure (chained 2002 dollars) Population
(v498074÷V1) (v498165÷V1) (v498186÷V1) (v498087÷V1) (v1992067÷V1) (v1992044÷V1) v1
  dollars thousands
2007 46,450 35,672 27,381 25,861 39,820 23,923 32,930
2008 48,123 36,867 28,619 26,729 39,626 24,345 33,319
2009 45,331 36,428 28,647 26,630 38,059 24,139 33,730
2010 47,606 37,506 29,707 27,563 38,826 24,657 34,126
Fourth quarter 2008 46,997 36,830 28,672 26,571 39,255 24,176 33,449
First quarter 2009 45,287 36,564 28,634 26,416 38,380 24,045 33,512
Second quarter 2009 44,884 36,377 28,636 26,497 37,914 24,075 33,605
Third quarter 2009 45,236 36,365 28,725 26,717 37,933 24,207 33,730
Fourth quarter 2009 46,199 36,638 28,777 27,056 38,253 24,383 33,857
First quarter 2010 47,204 36,993 29,127 27,372 38,712 24,593 33,913
Second quarter 2010 47,360 37,482 30,174 27,398 38,829 24,615 34,002
Third quarter 2010 47,629 37,653 29,659 27,655 38,925 24,698 34,126
Fourth quarter 2010 48,515 38,118 30,045 27,993 39,075 24,873 34,254
First quarter 2011 49,365 38,304 30,202 28,153 39,368 24,841 34,294
Second quarter 2011 49,511 38,611 30,371 28,376 39,232 24,915 34,368
Third quarter 2011 49,910 38,645 30,256 28,451 39,437 24,905 34,483
Quarterly data, when presented in this table, are seasonally adjusted at annual rates. The per capita series in this table are based on V1, the CANSIM identifier for Canada's population.
Client services (613-951-3640). Contact for population: Client services (613-951-2320), (1-866-767-5611). Cansim tables: 380-0001, 380-0004, 380-0002 and 051-0005.