Table 10
Average real hourly wages (2010 dollars) by education level, full-time workers aged 17 to 64, 1997 to 2011

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Average real hourly wages (2010 dollars) by education level, full-time workers aged 17 to 64, 1997 to 2011
Table summary
This table displays average real hourly wages of full-time workers aged 17 to 64, by education level, from 1997 to 2011. The row headers describe the samples examined (men, women), the years considered, and the periods over which growth rates in real wages are calculated. The column headers identify the education level of workers.
  Less than high school High school Postsecondary education Trades certificate Bachelor's degree Postgraduate studies
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6
1997 18.52 20.36 23.07 23.12 29.08 34.24
1998 18.54 20.42 23.39 23.06 28.63 33.90
1999 18.26 20.50 23.72 22.81 29.54 34.96
2000 18.44 20.83 23.60 23.10 29.63 34.15
2001 18.44 20.67 23.78 23.32 29.95 33.51
2002 17.99 20.62 23.91 23.52 30.35 34.40
2003 18.10 20.44 23.60 23.28 29.45 34.20
2004 18.19 20.25 23.64 23.01 29.75 34.25
2005 18.17 20.88 23.58 23.12 29.65 33.92
2006 18.45 20.72 23.93 23.47 30.06 33.88
2007 18.74 20.98 23.99 23.79 29.98 34.29
2008 19.03 21.31 24.58 24.58 30.50 35.70
2009 19.73 21.84 25.33 25.03 31.33 34.99
2010 19.60 21.93 25.07 25.49 31.01 35.00
2011 19.24 21.69 24.89 24.77 30.43 34.28
  percent change
2000 to 2005 -1.5 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1 -0.7
2005 to 2011 5.9 3.9 5.6 7.1 2.6 1.1
2000 to 2011 4.3 4.1 5.5 7.2 2.7 0.4
1997 13.62 16.78 19.42 16.84 24.51 29.03
1998 13.72 16.74 19.43 16.50 24.56 29.82
1999 13.48 16.73 19.42 16.54 24.93 29.98
2000 13.47 16.68 19.42 17.11 24.96 28.91
2001 13.50 16.66 19.44 16.82 24.80 29.01
2002 13.37 16.95 19.99 16.86 25.51 30.10
2003 13.50 16.68 19.75 16.73 25.62 29.68
2004 13.43 16.87 20.08 17.10 25.57 30.43
2005 13.84 17.27 20.04 17.78 25.52 29.90
2006 13.91 17.15 20.32 17.84 25.81 30.77
2007 13.92 17.21 20.54 17.76 25.96 30.47
2008 14.26 17.49 20.99 18.38 26.38 30.78
2009 14.83 18.18 21.61 18.38 27.18 31.98
2010 15.12 18.33 21.59 18.79 26.92 32.01
2011 14.80 18.09 21.61 18.63 27.01 31.40
  percent change
2000 to 2005 2.7 3.5 3.2 4.0 2.2 3.4
2005 to 2011 6.9 4.8 7.8 4.8 5.8 5.0
2000 to 2011 9.8 8.4 11.3 8.9 8.2 8.6
Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey and Consumer Price Index (All-items).
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