Table 1
Number and average age of active resident anglers, by gender and jurisdiction, 2005

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  Total Males Females Males Females Males Females
number of anglers percentage average age
Newfoundland and Labrador 131,578 85,668 45,910 65 35 49 47
Prince Edward Island 6,929 6,520 409 94 6 49 43
Nova Scotia 43,775 38,919 4,856 89 11 50 49
New Brunswick 43,382 37,197 6,186 86 14 49 49
Quebec 656,543 445,603 210,940 68 32 50 46
Ontario 764,374 562,827 201,547 74 26 46 43
Manitoba 121,788 95,489 26,299 78 22 48 47
Saskatchewan 119,824 86,162 33,662 72 28 47 45
Alberta 179,461 142,624 36,837 79 21 44 42
British Columbia - Freshwater 211,403 171,587 39,816 81 19 51 49
British Columbia - Tidal waters 169,863 130,106 39,757 77 23 45 37
Yukon 5,048 3,596 1,452 71 29 45 44
Northwest Territories 2,138 1,639 499 77 23 43 37
Nunavut 769 562 207 73 27 43 38
Canada 2,456,876 1,808,499 648,377 74 26 48 44
Note: Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
Sources: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2005 Survey of Recreational Fishing in Canada.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division.