Table 1-1
Irrigation volume by month, 2012 — Province or region

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Irrigation volume by month, 2012 — Province or region
  April and May June July August September and October Total
  thousands of cubic metres
Canada 1 158,902 283,595 658,723 411,949 179,184 1,692,331
Atlantic region x F 1,386 1,216 x 4,300
Quebec x 3,397 6,625 5,926 x 19,449
Ontario 2,191 7,948 18,810 8,017 1,443 E 38,409
Manitoba 267 E 7,178 26,427 22,887 5,035 E 61,793
Saskatchewan 14,075 E 5,595 E 16,335 12,507 E 5,455 E 53,966
Alberta 101,548 216,880 528,885 299,875 132,395 1,279,583
British Columbia 38,717 41,843 60,256 61,521 32,493 234,830
Excludes Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
Figures may not add up to totals due to rounding.
Statistics Canada, 2013, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division, Agricultural Water Survey (survey number 5145).
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