Statistics Canada
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Table 1-2
Passengers enplaned and deplaned on selected services — Top 50 airports by sector

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Top 50 airports by sector
Airport Domestic Transborder Other International Total
2008 r 2009 Change  2008 r 2009 Change 2008 r 2009 Change  2009
  number percent number percent number percent number
Abbotsford, B.C. 495,467 x x 23 x x 2,869 x x x
Bagotville, Que. 73,030 65,891 -9.8 51 8 -84.3 7,982 7,561 -5.3 73,460
Calgary Intl, Alta. 8,690,664 7,834,979 -9.8 2,455,351 2,321,035 -5.5 1,063,991 1,099,819 3.4 11,255,833
Charlottetown, P.E.I. 257,940 261,484 1.4 12,837 7,917 -38.3 1,604 989 -38.3 270,390
Comox, B.C. 291,843 278,316 -4.6 2 0 -100.0 6,066 6,833 12.6 285,149
Cranbrook, B.C. 103,581 100,282 -3.2 200 2,784 ... 0 5 ... 103,071
Deer Lake, N.L. 263,872 246,009 -6.8 0 2 ... 7,503 1,222 -83.7 247,233
Edmonton Intl, Alta. 4,953,572 4,467,069 -9.8 928,885 982,985 5.8 348,361 337,458 -3.1 5,787,512
Fort McMurray, Alta. 680,841 654,112 -3.9 0 114 ... 0 0 ... 654,226
Fort St John, B.C. x x x x x x x x x x
Fredericton International, N.B. x x x x x x x x x x
Gander Intl, N.L. 86,417 84,062 -2.7 1,219 910 -25.3 2,193 3,322 51.5 88,294
Grande Prairie, Alta. x x x x x x x x x x
Halifax/Robert L Stanfield Intl, N.S. 2,780,088 2,673,908 -3.8 375,908 342,213 -9.0 307,253 302,377 -1.6 3,318,498
Hamilton, Ont. 471,206 x x 24,297 x x 54,302 x x x
Iqaluit, Nvt. x x x x x x x x x x
Kamloops, B.C. 211,425 x x 8,036 x x 0 x x x
Kelowna, B.C. 1,227,412 1,163,598 -5.2 118,153 97,536 -17.4 14,054 19,063 35.6 1,280,197
Kitchener/Waterloo, Ont. 82,274 88,634 7.7 25,230 7,588 -69.9 11,429 10,099 -11.6 106,321
London, Ont. 403,850 434,220 7.5 45,132 50,157 11.1 13,037 17,458 33.9 501,835
Moncton/Greater Moncton Intl, N.B. 507,206 458,364 -9.6 31,001 23,985 -22.6 11,032 12,759 15.7 495,108
Montréal/Pierre Elliott Trudeau Intl, Que. 5,025,654 4,560,297 -9.3 2,826,136 2,701,679 -4.4 4,312,197 4,444,960 3.1 11,706,936
Nanaimo, B.C. x x x x x x x x x x
Nanaimo/Harbour, B.C. x x x x x x x x x x
Ottawa/Macdonald-Cartier Intl, Ont. 3,134,941 3,029,746 -3.4 705,412 680,438 -3.5 316,531 379,440 19.9 4,089,624
Prince George, B.C. 401,649 364,350 -9.3 5,023 0 -100.0 3,257 4,667 43.3 369,017
Québec/Jean Lesage Intl, Que. 708,566 681,566 -3.8 152,279 173,888 14.2 239,070 298,558 24.9 1,154,012
Regina Intl, Sask. 878,076 853,217 -2.8 72,418 100,268 38.5 39,676 43,825 10.5 997,310
Saint John, N.B. 236,003 215,667 -8.6 21 68 223.8 2,276 3,332 46.4 219,067
Saskatoon/John G Diefenbaker Intl, Sask. 983,137 937,459 -4.6 90,887 132,970 46.3 36,837 44,968 22.1 1,115,397
Sault Ste Marie, Ont. x x x x x x x x x x
Sept-Iles, Que. 105,700 92,965 -12.0 10 11 10.0 0 825 ... 93,801
Sioux Lookout, Ont. x x x x x x x x x x
St John's Intl, N.L. 1,117,860 1,097,658 -1.8 36,758 35,291 -4.0 30,037 33,900 12.9 1,166,849
Sudbury, Ont. x x x x x x x x x x
Sydney, N.S. x x x x x x x x x x
Terrace, B.C. 119,986 x x 0 x x 0 x x x
Thompson, Man. x x x x x x x x x x
Thunder Bay, Ont. 600,568 582,215 -3.1 21,449 20,007 -6.7 3,328 4,053 21.8 606,275
Timmins, Ont. x 127,093 x x 0 x x 0 x 127,093
Toronto/City Centre, Ont. x x x x x x x x x x
Toronto/Lester B Pearson Intl, Ont. 13,571,755 12,389,986 -8.7 8,393,340 7,787,713 -7.2 8,566,388 8,760,066 2.3 28,937,765
Vancouver Harbour, B.C. 374,471 338,714 -9.5 0 1,465 ... 12 0 -100.0 340,179
Vancouver Intl, B.C. 9,068,207 8,355,675 -7.9 4,364,769 3,761,878 -13.8 3,675,895 3,386,092 -7.9 15,503,645
Victoria Harbour, B.C. 295,149 265,519 -10.0 18,804 18,456 -1.9 0 0 ... 283,975
Victoria Intl, B.C. 1,261,613 1,190,674 -5.6 229,458 246,013 7.2 10,118 13,279 31.2 1,449,966
Whitehorse Intl, Y.T. 196,388 x x 4,143 x x 4,812 x x x
Windsor, Ont. x x x x x x x x x x
Winnipeg/James Armstrong Richardson Intl, Man. 2,969,533 2,730,880 -8.0 478,136 455,091 -4.8 104,082 119,114 14.4 3,305,085
Yellowknife, N.W.T. 303,989 314,528 3.5 0 0 ... 0 0 ... 314,528
Subtotal 65,370,305 60,722,204 -7.1 21,533,580 20,181,870 -6.3 19,202,853 19,394,859 1.0 100,298,933
Others 2,899,442 2,766,639 -4.6 19,151 19,300 0.8 637 4,005 528.7 2,789,944
Total Canada 68,269,747 63,488,843 -7.0 21,552,731 20,201,170 -6.3 19,203,490 19,398,864 1.0 103,088,877