Table 1-2
Passengers enplaned and deplaned on selected services — Top 50 airports by sector

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Top 50 airports by sector
Airport Domestic Transborder Other International Total
2009 r 2010 Change  2009 r 2010 Change 2009 r 2010 Change  2010
  number percent number percent number percent number
Abbotsford, B.C. x x x x x x x x x x
Bagotville, Que. 61,483 66,623 8.4 8 8 0.0 12,881 12,579 -2.3 79,210
Calgary Intl, Alta. 8,169,064 8,144,009 -0.3 2,337,672 2,389,193 2.2 1,132,333 1,241,574 9.6 11,774,776
Charlottetown, P.E.I. 261,224 278,549 6.6 7,917 3,523 -55.5 1,982 2,550 28.7 284,622
Comox, B.C. 280,818 285,834 1.8 0 0 ... 6,833 6,076 -11.1 291,910
Cranbrook, B.C. 100,653 101,920 1.3 2,784 1,137 -59.2 5 29 480.0 103,086
Deer Lake, N.L. 242,495 245,105 1.1 47 0 -100.0 2,447 1,023 -58.2 246,128
Edmonton Intl, Alta. 4,616,007 4,633,111 0.4 1,001,601 1,007,100 0.5 354,410 340,995 -3.8 5,981,206
Fort McMurray, Alta. 670,360 656,517 -2.1 114 0 -100.0 0 0 ... 656,517
Fort St John, B.C. x x x x x x x x x x
Fredericton International, N.B. x x x x x x x x x x
Gander Intl, N.L. 87,293 94,642 8.4 744 515 -30.8 2,981 2,615 -12.3 97,772
Grande Prairie, Alta. x x x x x x x x x x
Halifax/Robert L Stanfield Intl, N.S. 2,716,560 2,840,120 4.5 342,073 372,435 8.9 304,691 296,918 -2.6 3,509,473
Hamilton, Ont. x x x x x x x x x x
Iqaluit, Nvt. x 128,518 x x 10 x x 117 x 128,645
Kamloops, B.C. x x x x x x x x x x
Kelowna, B.C. 1,217,862 1,224,760 0.6 97,536 108,319 11.1 23,548 32,034 36.0 1,365,113
Kitchener/Waterloo, Ont. x 101,584 x x 278 x x 3,230 x 105,092
London, Ont. 434,547 411,994 -5.2 50,157 82,227 63.9 17,457 15,195 -13.0 509,416
Moncton/Greater Moncton Intl, N.B. 460,654 485,709 5.4 23,985 30,233 26.0 13,309 20,230 52.0 536,172
Montréal/Pierre Elliott Trudeau Intl, Que. 4,557,265 4,755,115 4.3 2,813,419 3,172,145 12.8 4,477,202 4,772,915 6.6 12,700,175
Nanaimo, B.C. x x x x x x x x x x
Nanaimo/Harbour, B.C. x x x x x x x x x x
Ottawa/Macdonald-Cartier Intl, Ont. 3,037,298 3,217,126 5.9 689,038 739,880 7.4 385,880 433,945 12.5 4,390,951
Prince George, B.C. 368,225 368,951 0.2 0 12 ... 4,667 6,037 29.4 375,000
Québec/Jean Lesage Intl, Que. 675,249 705,440 4.5 173,613 213,811 23.2 306,947 334,328 8.9 1,253,579
Regina Intl, Sask. 870,112 888,713 2.1 100,301 139,652 39.2 48,041 73,434 52.9 1,101,799
Saint John, N.B. 214,158 214,991 0.4 68 8 -88.2 4,755 5,008 5.3 220,007
Saskatoon/John G Diefenbaker Intl, Sask. 956,594 983,138 2.8 132,996 146,492 10.1 47,368 66,654 40.7 1,196,284
Sault Ste Marie, Ont. x x x x x x x x x x
Sept-Iles, Que. 93,532 105,234 12.5 11 56 409.1 1,691 818 -51.6 106,108
Sioux Lookout, Ont. x x x x x x x x x x
St John's Intl, N.L. 1,101,153 1,178,197 7.0 35,291 35,506 0.6 33,895 57,087 68.4 1,270,790
Sudbury, Ont. x 187,286 x x 8 x x 2,647 x 189,941
Sydney, N.S. x x x x x x x x x x
Terrace, B.C. x x x x x x x x x x
Thompson, Man. x x x x x x x x x x
Thunder Bay, Ont. 600,012 639,605 6.6 20,007 15,462 -22.7 4,053 5,418 33.7 660,485
Timmins, Ont. 127,152 127,895 0.6 0 0 ... 0 0 ... 127,895
Toronto/Billy Bishop Toronto City, Ont. x x x x x x x x x x
Toronto/Lester B Pearson Intl, Ont. 12,578,292 12,658,866 0.6 7,967,081 8,524,420 7.0 8,780,290 9,727,509 10.8 30,910,795
Vancouver Harbour, B.C. 338,714 312,322 -7.8 1,465 0 -100.0 0 0 ... 312,322
Vancouver Intl, B.C. 8,501,031 8,568,903 0.8 3,754,675 3,995,586 6.4 3,404,297 3,689,527 8.4 16,254,016
Victoria Harbour, B.C. 265,519 243,431 -8.3 18,456 18,281 -0.9 0 0 ... 261,712
Victoria Intl, B.C. 1,230,999 1,189,818 -3.3 246,149 251,007 2.0 13,411 23,595 75.9 1,464,420
Whitehorse Intl, Y.T. 206,233 220,665 7.0 3,702 4,206 13.6 4,761 4,860 2.1 229,731
Windsor, Ont. x x x x x x x x x x
Winnipeg/James Armstrong Richardson Intl, Man. 2,796,635 2,784,076 -0.4 454,915 449,776 -1.1 121,267 151,398 24.8 3,385,250
Yellowknife, N.W.T. 319,039 318,708 -0.1 0 1 ... 0 11 ... 318,720
Subtotal 61,892,319 63,036,245 1.8 20,509,528 22,103,297 7.8 19,561,830 21,371,564 9.3 106,511,106
Others 2,776,714 2,794,359 0.6 19,247 15,048 -21.8 6,184 4,078 -34.1 2,813,485
Total Canada 64,669,033 65,830,604 1.8 20,528,775 22,118,345 7.7 19,568,014 21,375,642 9.2 109,324,591