Table 1-1
Passengers enplaned and deplaned on selected services — Top 50 airports

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Passengers enplaned and deplaned on selected services — Top 50 airports
Table summary
This table displays the number of passengers enplaned and deplaned at the top 50 airports in Canada. The row headers provide the airport name. The column headers provide the number of passengers enplaned, the number of passengers deplaned and the total number of passengers.
Airport Enplaned Deplaned Total passengers
2011 r 2012 Change
  number percent
Abbotsford, B.C. x x x x x
Calgary Intl, Alta. 6,401,787 6,441,205 12,074,563 12,842,992 6.4
Charlottetown, P.E.I. 148,707 147,802 280,965 296,509 5.5
Comox, B.C. 170,738 173,035 306,153 343,773 12.3
Deer Lake, N.L. 145,072 143,941 279,297 289,013 3.5
Edmonton Intl, Alta. 3,327,559 3,344,210 6,156,639 6,671,769 8.4
Fort McMurray, Alta. 428,348 427,789 708,008 856,137 20.9
Fort St John, B.C. x x x x x
Fredericton International, N.B. x x x x x
Gander Intl, N.L. 63,355 61,085 115,382 124,440 7.9
Goose Bay, N.L. 62,832 65,848 116,484 128,680 10.5
Grande Prairie, Alta. x x x x x
Halifax/Robert L Stanfield Intl, N.S. 1,751,801 1,754,215 3,493,595 3,506,016 0.4
Hamilton, Ont. x x x x x
Iqaluit, Nvt. x x 140,331 x x
Kamloops, B.C. x x x x x
Kelowna, B.C. 703,304 706,452 1,355,975 1,409,756 4.0
Kitchener/Waterloo, Ont. 60,173 59,402 x 119,575 x
London, Ont. 236,173 230,239 458,482 466,412 1.7
Moncton/Greater Moncton Intl, N.B. 295,285 293,901 556,576 589,186 5.9
Montréal/Pierre Elliott Trudeau Intl, Que. 6,681,234 6,749,789 13,288,383 13,431,023 1.1
Nanaimo, B.C. x x x x x
Nanaimo/Harbour, B.C. x x x x x
Ottawa/Macdonald-Cartier Intl, Ont. 2,238,857 2,243,787 4,361,929 4,482,644 2.8
Prince George, B.C. 205,611 205,145 394,458 410,756 4.1
Québec/Jean Lesage Intl, Que. 707,635 702,990 1,343,227 1,410,625 5.0
Regina Intl, Sask. 583,386 589,418 1,107,486 1,172,804 5.9
Saint John, N.B. x x x x x
Saskatoon/John G Diefenbaker Intl, Sask. 646,792 656,801 1,218,383 1,303,593 7.0
Sault Ste Marie, Ont. 93,417 93,990 155,931 187,407 20.2
Sept-Îles, Que. 75,334 73,087 144,819 148,421 2.5
Sioux Lookout, Ont. x x x x x
St John's Intl, N.L. 710,889 701,889 1,340,861 1,412,778 5.4
Sudbury, Ont. 128,160 127,505 221,561 255,665 15.4
Sydney, N.S. x x x x x
Terrace, B.C. x x 121,805 x x
Thompson, Man. x x x x x
Thunder Bay, Ont. 364,695 360,368 688,836 725,063 5.3
Timmins, Ont. 104,151 101,629 139,964 205,780 47.0
Toronto/Billy Bishop Toronto City, Ont. x x x x x
Toronto/Lester B Pearson Intl, Ont. 16,970,497 17,119,404 32,396,667 34,089,901 5.2
Vancouver Harbour, B.C. 139,458 136,976 299,083 276,434 -7.6
Vancouver Intl, B.C. 8,512,177 8,565,182 16,555,981 17,077,359 3.1
Victoria Harbour, B.C. 118,968 111,763 248,484 230,731 -7.1
Victoria Intl, B.C. 730,655 739,406 1,456,782 1,470,061 0.9
Wabush, N.L. 101,739 99,590 134,280 201,329 49.9
Whitehorse Intl, Y.T. 136,562 135,342 247,350 271,904 9.9
Windsor, Ont. 107,882 107,165 189,600 215,047 13.4
Winnipeg/James Armstrong Richardson Intl, Man. 1,707,065 1,716,191 3,383,671 3,423,256 1.2
Yellowknife, N.W.T. 172,977 174,385 327,339 347,362 6.1
Canada 59,306,163 59,656,851 113,471,763 118,963,014 4.8
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