Table 3
Government expenditures on culture, by function and level of government, 2009/2010

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Government expenditures on culture, by function and level of government, 2009/2010

Table summary
This table displays the results of government expenditures on culture level of government, total gross expenditures and federal, calculated using federal, provincial/territorial, municipal and thousands of dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).

  Level of government Total gross expenditures
Federal Provincial/Territorial MunicipalNote 1
  thousands of dollars
Libraries 2 1,115,730 1,884,057 29,997,872
Heritage resources 12,263,983 768,872 150,499 21,457,693
Arts education 22,001 134,413 0 156,414
Literary arts 147,015 30,951 0 177,966
Performing arts 254,481 226,533 111,455 592,469
Visual arts and crafts 23,463 54,997 0 78,460
Film and video 334,063 117,117 0 451,180
Broadcasting 1,943,733 212,999 0 2,156,732
Sound recording 26,668 6,278 0 32,946
Multiculturalism 13,016 26,255 0 39,271
Multidisciplinary and other activities 173,183 329,304 802,576 1,305,063
Total expenditures 4,164,022 3,023,449 2,948,587 101,360,584
Municipal spending is on a calendar year basis.
Federal spending on national libraries is included in heritage resources.
Includes also federal spending on national libraries.
Includes inter-governmental transfers of about $542 million.
As a result of changes in methodology, data for 2009/2010 should not be compared with data that were released prior to the revised 2003/2004 data.
Statistics Canada: Survey of Federal Government Expenditures on Culture, Fiscal Year 2009/2010; Survey of Provincial/Territorial Government Expenditures on Culture, Fiscal Year 2009/2010; Public Sector Statistics Division, and Tourism and the Centre for Education Statistics Division.
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