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Statistics Canada - Government of Canada

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Table 1
Health status of Inuit children aged 0 to 14 years, by region and for all children in Canada, 2001
Nunavut Nunavik Labrador All Inuit children
in Canada1
All children
in Canada2
Excellent health 57 52 44 51 53 58
Very good health 24E 24 29 32E 26 29
Good, fair or poor health 19E 24 26 17E 21 13
1. Total Inuit represents the four Inuit regions as well as Inuit living outside of these regions, mainly in larger cities in southern Canada.
2. Excluded are children living in the territories. However, some Inuit children living elsewhere in Canada may be included here.
Sources: Statistics Canada, Aboriginal Peoples Survey, 2001, National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY), Cycle 4, 2000/2001.