Table 3.5w
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who have practiced organized sports during the 12 months before the survey by the language used during these activities, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

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Provinces Language used during organized sports
Total English only Much more English than French English and French equally Much more French than English French only Other1
% CV % CV % CV % CV % CV % CV % CV
Newfoundland and Labrador 100 0.0 75 5.8 17E 21.7 x x x x x x x x
Prince Edward Island 100 0.0 50 12.2 F F 16E 21.0 5E 30.7 F F x x
Nova Scotia 100 0.0 53 10.8 14E 25.1 11E 18.9 8E 28.7 4E 26.9 x x
New Brunswick 100 0.0 7 15.0 8 14.2 20 9.0 18 11.5 43 5.9 5E 22.7
Quebec 100 0.0 20 6.0 20 7.2 25 5.6 13 9.7 11 8.7 10 13.1
Ontario 100 0.0 40 5.4 18 7.5 18 7.5 8 11.1 7 11.3 9E 24.8
Manitoba 100 0.0 53 8.9 18E 20.7 14E 18.2 3E 27.5 2E 29.1 9E 29.4
Saskatchewan 100 0.0 53 10.6 10E 25.5 F F x x x x 31E 19.7
Alberta 100 0.0 69 6.3 14E 23.2 F F x x x x 8E 32.0
British Columbia 100 0.0 73 6.2 9E 24.2 F F x x x x F F
Territories 100 0.0 76 10.5 F F x x 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Canada less Quebec 100 0.0 38 3.6 14 5.8 16 5.4 9 7.9 14 6.0 8 14.7
1. Includes unknown responses (for example, "don't know" and "refusal") as well as responses mentionning only a language other than English or French.
CV: coefficient of variation
Note: A method to determine whether two estimates are significantly different can be found in Appendix A of this document.
Source: Statistics Canada, Survey on the Vitality of Official-Language Minorities, 2006.