Land use, tenure, and land management practices
Archived Content
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- Farms classified by total farm area
- Farms classified by area in crops and summerfallow (excluding Christmas tree area)
- Land use
- Historically comparable tenure of land reported
- Tenure of land owned, leased, rented, crop-shared or used through other arrangements
- Tenure of land used by others
- Tillage practices used to prepare land for seeding
- Land inputs
- Manure and manure application methods
- Soil conservation practices
- Forms of weed control used on summerfallow land
- Irrigation
- Farms producing certified organic products
- Certified, transitional or uncertified organic products
- Abbreviations
4.1-1 | Total number of farms and Under 10 acres, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.1-2 | 10 to 69 acres and 70 to 129 acres, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.1-3 | 130 to 179 acres and 180 to 239 acres, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.1-4 | 240 to 399 acres and 400 to 559 acres, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.1-5 | 560 to 759 acres and 760 to 1,119 acres, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.1-6 | 1,120 to 1,599 acres and 1,600 to 2,239 acres, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.1-7 | 2,240 to 2,879 acres, 2,880 to 3,519 acres and 3,520 acres and over, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.2-1 | Total number of farms reporting area in crops and summerfallow and Under 10 acres, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.2-2 | 10 to 69 acres and 70 to 129 acres, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.2-3 | 130 to 179 acres and 180 to 239 acres, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.2-4 | 240 to 399 acres and 400 to 559 acres, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.2-5 | 560 to 759 acres and 760 to 1,119 acres, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.2-6 | 1,120 to 1,999 acres, 2,000 to 3,499 acres and 3,500 acres and over, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.3-1 | Total area of farms, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.3-2 | Land in crops (excluding Christmas tree area), census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.3-3 | Summerfallow land, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.3-4 | Tame or seeded pasture, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.3-5 | Natural land for pasture, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.3-6 | All other land (including woodlands, wetlands and Christmas tree area), census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.3-7 | Area in Christmas trees, woodlands and wetlands, census year 2006 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.3-8 | All other land, census year 2006 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.4-1 | Total area, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.4-2 | Area owned, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.4-3 | Area leased from governments, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.4-4 | Area rented or leased from others, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.4-5 | Area crop-shared from others, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.5-1 | Total area, census year 2006 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.5-2 | Area owned, census year 2006 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.5-3 | Area leased from governments, census year 2006 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.5-4 | Area rented or leased from others, census year 2006 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.5-5 | Area crop-shared from others, census year 2006 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.5-6 | Land area used through other arrangements, census year 2006 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.6-1 | Total area, census year 2006 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.6-2 | Area rented or leased to others, census year 2006 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.6-3 | Area crop-shared to others, census year 2006 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.6-4 | Other land area, census year 2006 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.7-1 | Total land prepared for seeding, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.7-2 | Tillage incorporating most of the crop residue into the soil, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.7-3 | Tillage retaining most of the crop residue on the surface, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.7-4 | No-till or zero-till seeding, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.8-1 | Herbicides, 2005 and 2000 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.8-2 | Insecticides, 2005 and 2000 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.8-3 | Fungicides, 2005 and 2000 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.8-4 | Commercial fertilizer, 2005 and 2000 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.8-5 | Lime, 2005 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.9-1 | Farms classified by manure produced or used on the agricultural operation, 2005 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.9-2 | Number of farms reporting composted manure incorporated into soil, by area and land use, 2005 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.9-3 | Number of farms reporting composted manure not incorporated into soil, by area and land use, 2005 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.9-4 | Number of farms reporting solid manure incorporated into soil, by area and land use, 2005 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.9-5 | Number of farms reporting solid manure not incorporated into soil, by area and land use, 2005 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.9-6 | Number of farms reporting liquid manure injected or incorporated into soil, by area and land use, 2005 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.9-7 | Number of farms reporting liquid manure not incorporated into soil, by area and land use, 2005 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.9-8 | Number of farms reporting liquid manure applied by irrigation, by area and land use, 2005 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.10-1 | All farms and Crop rotation, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.10-2 | Winter cover crops and Plowing down green crops, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.10-3 | Windbreaks or shelterbelts, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.10-4 | Rotational grazing and Buffer zones around water bodies, census year 2006 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.11-1 | Chemfallow only, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.11-2 | Summerfallow, tilled only, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.11-3 | Chemical and tillage weed control on the same land, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.12-1 | All irrigation use, 2005 and 2000 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.12-2 | Irrigated field crops and Irrigated hay and pasture, 2005 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.12-3 | Irrigated vegetables and Irrigated fruits, 2005 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.12-4 | Other irrigated areas (nursery, sod, etc.), 2005 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.13-1 | All farms reporting organic and Farms reporting organic hay or field crops, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.13-2 | Organic fruits, vegetables or greenhouse products and Organic animals or animal products, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.13-3 | Organic maple products and Other organic products, census years 2006 and 2001 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.14-1 | Farms classified by certification status of organic products, census year 2006 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.14-2 | Number of farms producing organic hay or field crops by certification status, census year 2006 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.14-3 | Number of farms producing organic fruits, vegetables or greenhouse products by certification status, census year 2006 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.14-4 | Number of farms producing organic animals or animal products by certification status, census year 2006 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.14-5 | Number of farms producing organic maple products by certification status, census year 2006 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
4.14-6 | Number of farms producing other organic products by certification status, census year 2006 | Atl. | QC | ON | MB and SK | AB and BC |
- Atl.: Atlantic provinces including Canada total, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
- QC: Quebec including Canada total
- ON: Ontario including Canada total
- MB and SK: Manitoba and Saskatchewan including Canada total
- AB and BC: Alberta and British Columbia including Canada total
- Date modified: