Ownership and usage of content provided on this site

Materials on this website were produced and/or compiled by Statistics Canada for the purpose of providing Canadians with access to information about the programs and services offered by the Government of Canada.

The material on this site is covered by the provisions of the Copyright Act, by Canadian laws, policies, regulations, and international agreements.

The Statistics Canada Open Licence governs the use of most data products and other materials that are published by Statistics Canada. This licence allows you to use Statistics Canada information without restrictions on sharing and redistribution, for commercial and non-commercial purposes.

Third-party materials

Some of the materials and graphical elements found on Government of Canada websites are subject to copyrights held by other organizations. This is particularly true of sites that are jointly operated by a Government of Canada institution and an external organization as part of a collaborative arrangement. In such cases, some restrictions on the reproduction of materials or graphical elements may apply and it may be necessary to seek permission from the rights holder prior to reproducing the material.

You must source third parties when reproducing their materials.

Trademark notice

The official symbols of the Government of Canada, including the Canada Wordmark, the Arms of Canada, and the flag symbol may not be reproduced, whether for commercial or non-commercial purposes, without prior written authorization.

Guidelines for linking to the Statistics Canada website

Generally, Government of Canada institutions encourage third parties to link to the Government of Canada. Sites wishing to link to the Statistics Canada's website, therefore, do not need to request permission to do so. We do, however, ask that you follow these linking practices.

  1. Use only text links for linking to the Statistics Canada's website.
  2. Do not link and/or use the official symbols of the Government of Canada and Federal Identity Program (FIP) signatures as navigational aids.
  3. The official symbols of the Government of Canada and the FIP signatures appear on non-government sites only when they are used to identify a government contribution or participation in a Collaborative Arrangement.
  4. The creation of a link does not confuse the user as to the source of the information through such practices as framing.
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