Low income statistics by age, sex and economic family type1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Frequency: Annual

Table: 11-10-0135-01 (formerly CANSIM 206-0041)

Release date: 2024-04-26

Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area

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Showing 12 records
GeographyCanada6 (map)
Low income linesMarket basket measure, 2018 base7, 8
StatisticsPercentage of persons in low income
Persons in low income2021 2022
All persons 7.4B9.9A
Persons under 18 years 6.4C9.9B
Persons 18 to 64 years 8.2B11.1A
Persons 65 years and over 5.6C6.0B
Persons in economic families9 4.4C6.6A
Elderly persons in economic families10 2.4D3.3C
Persons under 18 years in economic families 6.1C9.8B
Persons under 18 years in couple families with children 4.2D6.8C
Persons under 18 years in female lone-parent families 18.4D26.9B
Persons not in an economic family 21.9B26.0A
Elderly persons not in an economic family10 13.0C13.8B
Non-elderly persons not in an economic family11 26.2B31.0A

Symbol legend:

A data quality: excellent
B data quality: very good
C data quality: good
D data quality: acceptable

Notes :
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25318/1110013501-eng

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