Statement of government operations and balance sheet, government finance statistics (x 1,000,000)

Frequency: Quarterly

Table: 10-10-0015-01 (formerly CANSIM 385-0032)

Release date: 2025-01-09

Geography: Canada

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Showing 61 records
Government sectorsConsolidated government
GeographyCanada (map)
Statement of government operations and balance sheetQ3 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2024
Revenue 308,220307,915328,387328,356320,569
Taxes 220,288223,933223,301223,410227,949
Taxes on income, profits, and capital gains 130,397135,666137,269132,668135,916
Taxes on payroll and workforce 5,3985,6556,1275,5615,553
Taxes on property 24,91624,22124,11525,30025,365
Taxes on goods and services 58,06956,91054,37158,34459,603
Taxes on international trade and transactions 1,4811,4541,3921,5101,487
Other taxes 2727272725
Social contributions 34,95026,94249,09244,79037,325
Grants, revenue 272308405328310
Other revenue 52,71056,73255,58959,82854,985
Expense 304,152316,258361,288316,884325,399
Compensation of employees 84,90691,10491,31094,88793,781
Use of goods and services 65,23966,84873,76663,66669,169
Consumption of fixed capital 24,00324,20924,38524,73825,188
Interest 25,30325,58726,47827,39128,015
Subsidies 10,08410,44212,2208,7889,908
Grants, expense 8661,5642,5777861,067
Social benefits 76,84975,97878,83078,74581,172
Other expense 16,90220,52651,72217,88317,099
Gross operating balance 28,07115,866-8,51636,21020,358
Net operating balance 4,068-8,343-32,90111,472-4,830
Net acquisition of non-financial assets 5,7403,1531,4233,1027,702
Net lending or borrowing -1,672-11,496-34,3248,370-12,532
Net acquisition of financial assets 41,87133,15854,43132,20345,676
Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDRs), net acquisition of financial assets 00000
Currency and deposits, net acquisition of financial assets -7,82515,189-1,853-8,356609
Debt securities, net acquisition of financial assets 18,672-4,91036,67315,34818,196
Loans, net acquisition of financial assets 11,166-1,150-11,43832,38521,173
Equity and investment fund shares, net acquisition of financial assets 7,231-1,7095,3312,005-17,633
Insurance and pension schemes, net acquisition of financial assets 717717727730730
Other accounts receivable, net acquisition of financial assets 11,91025,02124,991-9,90922,601
Net incurrence of liabilities 43,82045,49889,93923,28359,015
Special drawing rights (SDRs), net incurrence of liabilities 00000
Currency and deposits, net incurrence of liabilities 571421953
Debt securities, net incurrence of liabilities 22,30950,23770,68513,26549,767
Loans, net incurrence of liabilities 14,6553,2229,2749,9606,961
Equity and investment fund shares, net incurrence of liabilities -9111146
Insurance and pension schemes, net incurrence of liabilities -349-343366575588
Other accounts payable, net incurrence of liabilities 7,157-7,6439,601-5401,640
Statistical discrepancy 2778441,184-550807
Total expenditure 309,892319,411362,711319,986333,101
Net worth 1,153,8761,017,2881,086,0841,178,6491,126,003
Non-financial assets 1,635,5401,651,7941,630,5031,690,1421,675,161
Financial assets 2,876,8992,930,0483,046,3573,091,3773,190,375
Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDRs), financial assets 00000
Currency and deposits, financial assets 186,313201,453199,656191,325191,898
Debt securities, financial assets 456,505474,129504,132518,341551,386
Loans, financial assets 665,648667,623657,007689,448714,171
Equity and investment fund shares, financial assets 911,910948,3671,015,1681,030,4191,060,675
Insurance and pension schemes, financial assets 178,398178,072178,318178,280178,384
Other accounts receivable, financial assets 478,125460,404492,076483,564493,861
Liabilities 3,358,5633,564,5543,590,7763,602,8703,739,533
Special drawing rights (SDRs), liabilities 29,43129,45529,68529,80230,279
Currency and deposits, liabilities 6,8526,8666,8686,8876,940
Debt securities, liabilities 2,250,3842,430,3082,453,7062,477,2222,595,519
Loans, liabilities 205,587208,587217,599227,262233,931
Equity and investment fund shares, liabilities 235246257261267
Insurance and pension schemes, liabilities 333,016332,239329,286328,056326,657
Other accounts payable, liabilities 533,058556,853553,375533,380545,940
Net financial worth -481,664-634,506-544,419-511,493-549,158

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