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Archived - Number and value of pelts produced1, 2, 3

Frequency: Annual

Table: 32-10-0293-01 (formerly CANSIM 003-0013)

Release date: 2013-09-27


Customize table
Showing 34 records
Quantity and valueNumber of pelts
Type of pelts2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Pelts, total 2,839,1312,786,0093,031,055....
Wildlife pelts, total4 775,311737,089730,915....
Badger5 982624512....
Black or brown bear6, 7 2,2132,0082,055....
Grizzly bear6, 7 378....
White bear8, 9 65102259....
Beaver 147,685152,782139,220....
Cougar 000....
Coyote or prairie wolf10, 11 72,45055,96947,340....
Ermine12 50,63635,04428,183....
Fisher13, 14, 15 17,15117,57516,373....
Blue fox16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 221....
Cross and red fox16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 25,07123,06619,959....
Silver or black fox16, 21, 24, 27, 32 150130150....
White fox16, 19, 20, 23, 26, 29, 30, 31, 34 2,6082,5181,002....
Not specified fox25, 28 000....
Lynx35 6,6309,2167,490....
Marten 120,143119,79292,959....
Mink 28,78822,96120,019....
Muskrat 188,164202,802265,071....
Otter36 8,4109,3999,405....
Rabbit 000....
Raccoon 41,07940,37532,072....
Fur seal 000....
Hair seal 6,2775,9283,503....
Skunk37 9181,005729....
Squirrel 51,02330,04039,257....
Wildcat or bobcat38 1,8662,1921,770....
Wolf 2,3242,8082,867....
Wolverine 395543559....
Other pelts 278201152....
Ranch-raised pelts, total 2,063,8202,048,9202,300,1402,307,9852,635,485
Fox pelts 8,7507,9209,0509,7058,030
Mink pelts 2,055,0702,041,0002,291,0902,298,2802,627,455

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.. not available for a specific reference period

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