Principal field crop areas, 2025
Released: 2025-03-12
Canadian farmers expect to plant more wheat, corn for grain, oats and dry peas in 2025, while area seeded to canola, soybeans, barley and lentils is anticipated to decrease, compared with the previous year.
Seeding decisions for the upcoming crop year are likely impacted by several factors, including moisture conditions, crop rotation considerations and prices.
Across Canada, farmers anticipate planting 27.5 million acres of wheat in 2025, up 2.6% from the previous year. The higher anticipated area seeded to wheat may be due to strong global demand for high-quality wheat. Spring wheat area is expected to drive the increase, rising 2.5% to 19.4 million acres. Area seeded to durum wheat is expected to remain largely unchanged, at 6.4 million acres. Meanwhile, producers reported higher area being seeded to winter wheat, up 15.1% to 1.7 million acres.
In Saskatchewan, farmers expect total wheat area to remain largely unchanged from 2024, at 14.2 million acres in 2025. Spring wheat area (-0.7% to 8.9 million acres) is anticipated to decrease but could be offset by higher durum wheat area (+0.6% to 5.1 million acres).
Farmers in Alberta anticipate planting 6.6% more wheat in 2025, totalling 8.4 million acres. Spring wheat area is expected to rise 8.0% to 7.0 million acres, while durum wheat area is anticipated to decrease 0.9% to 1.2 million acres.
Manitoba farmers anticipate planting 3.3 million acres of wheat, up 0.9% from one year earlier.
At the national level, canola area is expected to decrease 1.7% to 21.6 million acres in 2025, which is roughly in line with the five-year average. The decline in expected seeded area may be due to lower profitability for canola relative to other crops, in addition to other factors, including soil moisture in Western Canada.
In Saskatchewan, the province that produces the most canola, producers anticipate seeding more acres to canola, increasing 1.2% to 12.2 million acres.
Farmers in Alberta anticipate seeding 6.1 million acres of canola, down 4.3% from the previous year.
In Manitoba, farmers expect seeded area of canola to fall 6.4% to 3.1 million acres.
Nationally, farmers anticipate planting 5.6 million acres of soybeans in 2025, down 1.3% from one year earlier.
In Ontario, the province that produces the most soybeans, producers expect to plant 2.9 million acres, down 7.8% from 2024.
Manitoba producers expect to plant more acres of soybeans in 2025, rising 14.1% to 1.6 million acres.
Farmers in Quebec anticipate seeding 4.9% less area to soybeans, totalling 985,600 acres.
Barley and oats
Nationwide, barley acreage is expected to fall 2.0% to 6.3 million acres in 2025.
Barley area is expected to increase in Saskatchewan (+3.7% to 2.4 million acres), while area in both Alberta (-5.6% to 3.3 million acres) and Manitoba (-4.3% to 297,900 acres) is expected to decrease compared with 2024.
Nationally, oat area is expected to rise 2.7% to 3.0 million acres in 2025 compared with one year earlier, possibly because of low oat stocks.
Corn for grain
At the national level, farmers expect to plant 3.8 million acres of corn for grain in 2025, up 3.2% from one year earlier.
In Ontario, where roughly three-fifths of all corn for grain in Canada is grown, farmers anticipate planting 2.3 million acres, up 5.0% from 2024.
Quebec farmers expect to plant less corn for grain, down 0.3% to 876,100 acres in 2025.
Producers in Manitoba reported an increase in expected area of corn for grain, rising 4.6% to 527,900 acres.
Lentils and dry peas
Area seeded to lentils is expected to decrease compared with one year earlier, falling 0.8% to 4.2 million acres in 2025. Farmers in Saskatchewan, where almost 90% of Canada's lentils are grown, expect seeded area to fall 1.7% to 3.6 million acres, while lentil area in Alberta is expected to increase 4.1% to 582,900 acres.
Farmers across Canada expect to plant more acres of dry peas in 2025, with area anticipated to rise 9.5% to 3.5 million acres, possibly because of good returns relative to other crops.
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Note to readers
The 2024 Field Crop Survey for December, which collects information on stocks of principal field crops and seeding intentions, was conducted from December 13, 2024, to January 17, 2025, and included about 8,200 farmers. Respondents were asked to report their planting intentions for grains, oilseeds and special crops.
Subsequent surveys during the year will provide estimates of actual seeded acreages. Data on final acreages for 2025 will be released on December 4, 2025, and will be subject to revision for two years.
Field crop surveys collect data from Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta at all survey cycles. However, they collect data twice a year (in the June iteration of the field crop survey on seeded areas and in the November iteration of the field crop survey on final production) from Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and British Columbia, which represent from 2% to 4% of national totals. Therefore, Canadian totals for spring seeding intentions include carry-over data for these provinces from their preceding November survey, and Canadian totals for July include carry-over data for these same provinces from their preceding June survey.
Data on anticipated seeded areas may differ from data on actual seeded area to be released in June.
Release calendar: The dates for upcoming releases of stocks, areas and production of principal field crops are available online.
In this release, percentage changes are calculated using unrounded data.
Data for 2025 seeding intentions are compared with final 2024 data.
For more information on agriculture and food, visit the Agriculture and food statistics portal.
An easy-to-print chart, Crop Report Survey at a Glance, which provides an overview of Statistics Canada's survey cycle, is now available.
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