As permitted by the Statistics Act, the Chief Statistician of Canada has authorized the following disclosures of survey and administrative data, since April 2019.

Authority | Recipient | Description | Data source | Reference period | Frequency |
17(2)(a)(f) | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Business name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2020 | One-time |
17(2)(a) | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Revenue and expense information for Farm Financial Survey respondents | Income tax records | 2015-2021 | Biennial |
17(2)(a)(f) | Alberta Department of Jobs, Economy and Trade | Business name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2023 | One-time |
17(2)(a) | Alberta Office of Statistics and Information | Information on crude oil disposition for Alberta | Canada Energy Regulator; Alberta Energy Regulator | As of 2016 | Annual |
17(2)(a)(f) | Alberta Office of Statistics and Information | Business number, name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2000-2004 | One-time |
17(2)(b) | ASDE Survey Sampler | Names, addresses and telephone numbers of health care providers | Childhood National Immunization Coverage Survey | 2011, 2017 and 2019, 2021 | Occasionnal |
17(2)(a)(f) | Bank of Canada | Business name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2022-2024 | Annual |
17(2)(a)(f) | Bank of Canada | Business name and industry information | Business Register | 2009-2019 | Monthly |
17(2)(a) | Canada Border Services Agency | Data related to criminal incidents involving opioids | Uniform Crime Reporting Survey | 2014-2018 | One-time |
17(2)(a) | Canada Border Services Agency | Data relating to criminal incidents involving firearms | Uniform Crime Reporting Survey | 2014-2018 | One-time |
17(2)(a)(f) | Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) | Business name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2017-2023 | One-time |
17(2)(a) | Canada Energy Regulator | Administrative energy data from the Forest Products Association of Canada and Simon Fraser University | Annual Industrial Consumption of Energy Survey | as of 2016 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Canada Energy Regulator | Information on energy statistics | Various administrative data sources | As of 2013 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation | Social and affordable housing information | Administrative data on social and affordable housing structures | As of 2019 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) | Provincial energy data | Various administrative data sources | As of 2015 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Canadian Association of University Business Officers (CAUBO) | financial information of universities at the institutional level | Financial Information of Universities (FINUNI) program data | As of 2000/2001 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Canadian Council of Fire Marshals and Fire Commissioners (CCFMFC) | Fire incident and loss data | National Fire Information Database (NFID) | As of 2005 | Annual |
17(2)(a)(f) | Canadian Heritage | Business name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2024 | One-time |
17(2)(a) | Canadian Institute for Health Information | Records of death | Canadian Vital Statistics Database | 2010-2021 | Annual |
17(2)(a)(f) | Employment and Social Development Canada | Business number, name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2003-2022 | Annual |
17(2)(a)(f) | Employment and Social Development Canada | Business name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2007-2023 | Annual |
17(2)(b) | Energy suppliers | Name, address and energy account information | Households and the Environment Survey | 2019 & 2021 | Occasionnal |
17(2)(a)(f) | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Business name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2019 | One-time |
17(2)(a) | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Information relating to drinking water utilities | Survey of Drinking Water Plants (Quebec) | As of 2017 | Biennial |
17(2)(a) | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Information on energy statistics | Various administrative data sources | As of 2013 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Information on energy consumption by business | Forest Products Association of Canada | As of 2015 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Information related to industrial electricity generation, energy consumption and steam sales | Simon Fraser University | As of 2019 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Information on vehicle registrations | Provincial and territorial vehicle registration files | 1999-2024 | Quarterly |
17(2)(a)(f) | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Business number, name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2021 | One-time |
17(2)(a)(g) | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Individual aircraft movements data | Aircraft Movement Statistics | 2010-2023 | Annual |
17(2)(a)(f) | Finance Canada | Business name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2020 | One-time |
17(2)(a) | Finance Canada | Business number linked to Intercorporate Ownership | Business Register | As of 2006 | Annual |
17(2)(d) | Finance Canada | Financial data relating to Government Business Enterprises | Canadian Government Finance Statistics | As of 2012/2013 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Finance Canada | Business name, address and revenue information | Business Register and Income tax records | 2005-2017 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Foreign Meal Rates Committee | Menu prices by restaurant and hotel | Canadian Foreign Posts Indexes | 2019-2026 | Annual |
17(2)(a)(g) | General public - Dissemination | Data relating to the production of drinking water | Survey of Drinking Water Plants | As of 2011 | Biennial |
17(2)(a)(g) | General public - Dissemination | Data relating to the processing of wastewater | Municipal Wastewater Systems in Canada | As of 2013 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | General public - Dissemination | Data on mink and fox pelt quantity and price | Fur Farm Report | As of 2010 | Annual |
17(2)(g) | General public - Dissemination | Data relating to the use of water in industry | Industrial Water Survey | As of 2011 | Biennial |
17(2)(d)(e)(g) | General public - Dissemination | Financial data relating to Government Business Enterprises | Canadian Government Finance Statistics | As of 2007/2008 | Annual |
17(2)(e)(g) | General public - Dissemination | Data on capital repair and expenditures relating to carriers, public utilities and non-commercial institutions | Capital and Repair Expenditures Program | As of 2018 | Annual |
17(2)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Air passenger origin and destination statistics | Revenue Air Passenger Origin-Destination Survey | 2003-2019 | Annual |
17(2)(g) | General public - Dissemination | Data relating to public utilities (NAICS 22) | Annual Survey of Research and Development in Canadian Industry; Energy Research and Development Expenditures by Area of Technology | As of 2014 | Annual |
17(2)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Data related to waste management | Waste Management Industry Survey | 2014-2020 | Biennial |
17(2)(g) | General public - Dissemination | Financial and subscription data for the Telecommunications sector | Annual Survey of Telecommunications | As of 2011 | Annual |
17(2)(g) | General public - Dissemination | Data on storage and transportation of energy commodities by pipelines and marine vessels | Monthly Energy Transportation and Storage Survey | As of 2020 | Annual |
17(2)(e)(g) | General public - Dissemination | Data relating to government infrastructure and public utilities | Canada's Core Public Infrastructure Survey | As of 2016 | Biennial |
17(2)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Operating and financial information for Canadian airline industry | Quarterly Civil Aviation Survey | 2021 | Quarterly |
17(2)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Operating and financial information for Canadian airline industry | Monthly Civil Aviation Survey | 2020-2021 | One-time |
17(2)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Data relating to Construction, forestry, mining, and industrial machinery in Nunavut | Annual Wholesale Trade Survey | 2010-2022 | Annual |
17(2)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Data relating to Construction, forestry, mining, and industrial machinery in Nunavut | Monthly Wholesale Trade Survey | 2007-2024 | Annual |
17(2)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Data relating to beverage merchant wholesalers in Alberta | Annual Wholesale Trade Survey | 2009-2022 | Annual |
17(2)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Data relating to beverage merchant wholesalers in Alberta | Monthly Wholesale Trade Survey | 2010-2024 | Annual |
17(2)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Data relating to energy sector | Various surveys - Energy | 1993-2022 | Annual |
17(2)(b)(c) | General public - Dissemination | Information on production, inventories, and shipments | Monthly Smelters and Metal Refineries Survey | 2017-2022 | Annual |
17(2)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Results of analysis of wastewater related to drug or other | Canadian Wastewater Survey | As of 2021 | Occasionnal |
17(2)(a) | General public - Dissemination | Counts of births, deaths and stillbirths | Canadian Vital Statistics Database | 1995-2022 | Annual |
17(2)(f) | General public - Dissemination | Number of businesses, name, address and industry information | Business Register | As of 2021 | Annual |
17(2)(a)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Information pertaining to cannabis and cannabis product stores | Health Canada | 2022-2024 | One-time |
17(2)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Data relating to alcohol and cannabis sales | Government Liquor Authority - Report of Operations | 1999-2023 | Annual |
17(2)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Operating Revenues and Ridership | Monthly Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Survey | 2022-2025 | Annual |
17(2)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Aggregate staff information for universities and colleges | Universities and Colleges Academic Staff System (UCASS) | 1999/2000-2023/2024 | Annual |
17(2)(b)(c) | General public - Dissemination | Data relating to manufacturing and mining sectors | Various surveys - Manufacturing & Mining | 1993-2024 | Annual |
17(2)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Fertilizer shipments | Fertilizer Shipments Survey | 2006-2027 | Annual |
17(2)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Wool price aggregates | Wool Price Survey | 2010-2024 | Annual |
17(2)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Data relating to policing personnel and expenditures | Police Administration Survey | 1995-2023 | Annual |
17(2)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Information on federal expenditures and personnel data by department | Federal Science Expenditures and Personnel | 1992/1993-2024/2025 | Annual |
17(2)(a)(g) | General public - Dissemination | Data relating to the production of drinking water - Municipal | Survey of Drinking Water Plants | As of 2024 | Biennial |
17(2)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Data pertaining to sales of alcoholic beverages | Annual Retail Trade Survey | 1991-2025 | Annual |
17(2)(b) | General public - Dissemination | Data pertaining to sales of alcoholic beverages | Survey of Sales and Inventories of Alcoholic Beverages | 1991-2027 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | General Public - General Dissemination | financial information of universities at the institutional level | Financial Information of Universities (FINUNI) program data | As of 2000/2001 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Global Affairs Canada (GAC) | Export permit quality indicators | Administrative data from US Census Bureau | 2019-2023 | Annual |
17(2)(b) | Health and research organizations | Wastewater samples and results of analysis related to COVID-19 | Canadian Wastewater Survey | January 2020-March 2021 | Occasionnal |
17(2)(b) | Health and research organizations | Wastewater samples and results of analysis related to drug or other | Canadian Wastewater Survey | As of 2021 | Occasionnal |
17(2)(a) | Health Canada | Information relating to drinking water utilities | Survey of Drinking Water Plants (Quebec) | As of 2017 | Biennial |
17(2)(a) | Health Canada | Income information for Canadian Community Health Survey respondents | Income tax records | 2017-2023 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | HM Aero Aviation Consulting | Individual aircraft movements data - Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport |
Aircraft Movement Statistics | 2017-2019 | One-time |
17(2)(a) | HM Aero Aviation Consulting | Individual aircraft movements data - Niagara District Airport | Aircraft Movement Statistics | 2019-2023 | One-time |
17(2)(a) | Infrastructure Canada | Information relating to drinking water utilities | Survey of Drinking Water Plants (Quebec) | As of 2017 | Biennial |
17(2)(d)(f) | Infrastructure Canada | Industry information linked to Intercorporate Ownership | Business Register | As of 2010 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Infrastructure Canada | Information on core public infrastructure assets in Quebec | Core Public Infrastructure Survey (Quebec) | As of 2018 | Annual |
17(2)(a)(f) | Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada | Business name, address and industry information | Business Register | 1993-2023 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada | Information related to environmental protection | Forest Products Association of Canada | As of 2018 | Annual |
17(2)(g) | Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada | Wireless telecommunications pricing data | Consumer Price Index | As of 2022 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Institut de la statistique du Québec | Information relating to drinking water utilities | Survey of Drinking Water Plants (Quebec) | As of 2017 | Biennial |
17(2)(a) | Institut de la statistique du Québec | Tax information for respondents of service industry surveys | Income tax records | 2003-2017 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Institut de la statistique du Québec | Information related to environmental protection | Forest Products Association of Canada | As of 2018 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Institut de la statistique du Québec | Income information for Canadian Community Health Survey respondents | Income tax records | 2017-2023 | Annual |
17(2)(a)(f) | Ministère de l'Économie, de l'innovation et de l'énergie du Québec | Business name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2022 | One-time |
17(2)(a)(f) | Ministère des Transports du Québec | Business name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2023 | One-time |
17(2)(a)(f) | Natural Resources Canada | Business name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2009-2022 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Natural Resources Canada | Information on energy statistics | Various administrative data sources | As of 2013 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Natural Resources Canada | Information on energy consumption by business | Forest Products Association of Canada | As of 2015 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Natural Resources Canada | Information related to environmental protection | Forest Products Association of Canada | As of 2018 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Natural Resources Canada | Information related to industrial electricity generation, energy consumption and steam sales | Simon Fraser University | As of 2019 | Annual |
17(2)(a)(f) | Natural Resources Canada | Business name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2023 | One-time |
17(2)(a) | Northwest Territories Statistical Agency | Information related to energy activities in the Northwest Territories | Canada Energy Regulator | As of 2014 | Annual |
17(2)(a)(f) | Nova Scotia Department of Economic Development | Business name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2023 | One-time |
17(2)(a) | Nova Scotia Department of Justice | Data related to criminal incidents | Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (UCR2) | as of 2006 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Nova Scotia Office of Strategy Management | Business name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2021 | One-time |
17(2)(a)(f) | Office of Small and Medium Enterprises | Business name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2021 | One-time |
17(2)(a) | Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs | Revenue and expense information for Farm Financial Survey respondents | Income tax records | 2015-2021 | Biennial |
17(2)(a) | Ontario Ministry of Finance | Counts of births | Canadian Vital Statistics Database | 2019-2021 | One-time |
17(2)(a) | Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development | Business name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2019-2020 | One-time |
17(2)(a) | Provincial and territorial cancer registries | Death information linked to cancer records | Canadian Vital Statistics Database; Canadian Cancer Registry | 1992-2015 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Provincial and territorial cancer registries | Cancer records | Canadian Cancer Registry | As of 1992 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Provincial and territorial ministries of Health | Records of births, deaths and stillbirths | Canadian Vital Statistics Database | 2014-2021 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Provincial and territorial ministries of Health | Income information for Canadian Community Health Survey respondents | Income tax records | 2017-2023 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Provincial and territorial pension plan authorities | Administrative records on pension plans | Pension Plans in Canada | As of 2002 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Provincial and territorial registrars of Vital Statistics | Records of births, deaths and stillbirths | Canadian Vital Statistics Database | 1991-2021 | Annual |
17(2)(a)(f) | Provincial and territorial statistical agencies | Business number, name, address and industry information | Business Register | As of 2019 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Provincial and territorial statistical agencies | Records of births, deaths and stillbirths | Canadian Vital Statistics Database | 2016-2021 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Provincial and territorial statistical agencies | Selected business income tax data | Business Register | 2002-2019 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Public Health Agency of Canada | Records of births, deaths and stillbirths | Canadian Vital Statistics Database | 2001-2021 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Public Health Agency of Canada | Death information linked to cancer records | Canadian Vital Statistics Database; Canadian Cancer Registry | 1992-2017 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Public Health Agency of Canada | Cancer records | Canadian Cancer Registry | 1992-2019 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Public Health Agency of Canada | Income information for Canadian Community Health Survey respondents | Income tax records | 2017-2023 | Annual |
17(2)(a) | Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) | Death information | Canadian Coroner and Medical Examiner Database | 2005-2021 | One-time |
17(2)(b) | Public health authorities | Wastewater samples and results of analysis related to COVID-19 | Canadian Wastewater Survey | January 2020-March 2021 | Occasionnal |
17(2)(b) | Public health authorities | Wastewater samples and results of analysis related to drug or other | Canadian Wastewater Survey | As of 2021 | Occasionnal |
17(2)(a)(f) | Public Services and Procurement Canada | Business name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2024 | One-time |
17(2)(a) | Royal Canadian Mounted Police | Data relating to criminal incidents involving firearms | Uniform Crime Reporting Survey | As of 2014 | Annual |
17(2)(b) | Royal Canadian Mounted Police | Wastewater samples and results of analysis related to drugs or other | Canadian Wastewater Survey | As of 2021 | Occasionnal |
17(2)(b) | Specificed health care providers | Name, address and date of birth of child(ren) of respondents | Childhood National Immunization Coverage Survey | 2011-2021 | Biennial |
17(2)(a)(f) | Transport Canada | Business name, address and industry information | Business Register | 2023 | One-time |
17(2)(a) | Transport Canada | Information on vehicle registrations | Provincial and territorial vehicle registration files | 1999-2024 | Quarterly |
17(2)(a) | Transport Canada | Individual aircraft movements data | Aircraft Movement Statistics | 2016-2023 | One-time |
17(2)(a) | Various Quebec Ministries | Data relating to industrial energy consumption | Annual Industrial Consumption of Energy Survey | As of 2020 | Annual |