Confidential data provided to [Name of receiving organization] is made available through a data sharing Memorandum of Understanding agreement between [Name of receiving organization] and Statistics Canada.
[Name/title of data custodian] serves as [Name of receiving organization]’s custodian of all confidential data provided under this agreement.
Confidential data from Statistics Canada is only available to [Name of receiving organization] employees who have agreed to the following by signing and dating this document.
You must notify [Name/title of data custodian] when access to this data is no longer required.
Statistics Canada confidential data (hereinafter “Data”) is classified Protected B, and is subject to the following practices including (but not limited to):
- Data can only be accessed by employees identified as having work related requirements to access the data.
- Data is to be used for research and statistical purposes only. Any use for administrative or regulatory purposes is prohibited.
- Data must be accessed within a secure location within [Name of receiving organization] that allows unescorted access only to authorized [Name of receiving organization] staff, including contractors.
- Data cannot be removed from the secure location in any format.
- Data may not be accessed through remote connection from outside [Name of receiving organization].
- Copies and extracts of the Data may only be made for the purposes of carrying out work as part of the project.
- All Data stored on portable storage devices must be protected by complex passwords and encryption.
- When not in use, printed documents and portable storages devices containing Data must be stored in secure containers.
- When no longer needed, printed documents containing Data must be destroyed in a secure manner within the secure location.
- All electronic storage media used in the processing of the information, including all back-up, transportable media, photocopiers and other electronic media where the Data has been electronically stored will be sanitized or destroyed, in accordance with the latest Communications Security Establishment standards for “protected B” information.
- Data cannot be transmitted through email or facsimile.
- Data that does not contain direct identifiers (i.e., name, address, telephone number, identifying number or other means of identification) must not be matched to any other records of data files.
- Any Data that would allow a user to identify an individual respondent cannot be used in any document that will be distributed, or that may be accessed beyond employees with authorization to access the data.
- Any research, analysis, note, publication, or other document which may be distributed outside of [Name of receiving organization] must only contain aggregated data where it is impossible to identify any individual respondent.
- In the event research, analysis, note, publication or other document has been developed that the author would like to distribute outside [Name of receiving organization], they must first consult the data custodian identified above at which point Statistics Canada may be contacted to ensure the confidentiality restrictions of the Statistics Act are respected.
I agree to comply with the above terms and conditions relating to the confidentiality, use and protection of the confidential data from Statistics Canada.
- Name:
- Signature :
- Date Access Given:
- Date Access Cancelled: