Statistics Canada: a long-standing Canadian institution

Canada's central statistical agency, which we know today as Statistics Canada, has been mandated since 1918 to provide statistical information to the people of Canada and to the world. From its humble beginnings with one office of 123 employees, using punch cards and electric tabulating machinery, the agency has grown into an institution with over 6,000 employees spread across three major regional offices—the Eastern Region, the Central Region, and the Western and Northern Territories Region—all proudly representing Statistics Canada across the nation.
Today, Statistics Canada conducts more than 380 surveys, covering 32 different subject matter fields, as well as censuses of population and agriculture every five years. As the demand for high quality, relevant information continues to grow, Statistics Canada continues to deliver.
Statistics Canada: a long-standing Canadian institution
Canada's first statistician
The foundation of Canada's statistical system
Statistics and evolving technology
The Daily lives up to its name
A positive and forward-looking workplace