Canadian Centre for Energy Information External Advisory Committee terms of reference


Members of the Committee are drawn from academia, think tanks, industry, the financial sector, non-governmental organizations, and municipalities. Statistics Canada and Natural Resources Canada act as the secretariat. Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Canada Energy Regulator participate as observers.


Membership terms are two years, with the possibility of renewal. The Committee's membership will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure representative participation that will contribute to the overall mandate of the Committee.

Responsibilities of the chair

Statistics Canada and Natural Resources Canada will appoint one/two member(s) of the committee to act as the Chair(s). The Chair(s), with support from the secretariat, will contribute to the agenda, facilitate the meeting, and synthesize recommendations.

Responsibilities of the secretariat

Statistics Canada and Natural Resources Canada work with the Chair(s) to set the meeting agenda and prepare specific areas for which the Canadian Centre for Energy Information (CCEI) governance body would like input, record recommendations arising from each meeting, track follow-up actions, and handle meeting logistics.

Responsibilities of the committee members

Members of the Committee attend all meetings and actively participate through discussion, review, and input on agenda items.

Canadian Statistics Advisory Council (CSAC)

A representative of the Canadian Statistics Advisory Council (CSAC) will be asked to participate on the Committee to ensure that CSAC is aware of CCEI activities. The CSAC member may be asked to comment on the CCEI annual plan as part of CSAC's annual report on the state of the national statistical system.


Formal full Committee meetings will be held biannually, or more frequently as needed, at discretion of the Chair(s) and secretariat.

Travel directive

Reimbursement of travel expenses

Under the current travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings of the CCEI External Advisory Committee will be held through video/teleconference. However, should the Committee meet face-to-face, these Terms of Reference will be updated to include provisions relevant to the reimbursement of travel expenses.