Overview of the Business - Linkable File Environment
Programs and applications
Examples of programs and applications using the Business - Linkable File Environment
Getting started
What to consider before starting a record linkage project using the Business - Linkable File Environment
The Business - Linkable File Environment * (B-LFE) is the virtual space in which Statistics Canada’s business microdata from administrative and survey sources are linked together to support analysis and research and generate powerful insights on the Canadian economy.
Microdata linkage is a statistical method that maximizes the use of existing information by linking different files and variables to create new information that benefits Canadians. By applying these methods to business data, the B-LFE creates new information without imposing additional response burden on enterprises, or additional collection costs for stakeholders.
In addition to business data, the B-LFE now includes linkages to social databases, such as the Census of Population and the Longitudinal Immigration Database. These linkages enrich the B-LFE with information such as gender, age, racialized group, education and language of business owners and employees.
The databases resulting from these linkages help to address data gaps and support research and policy for federal departments, provincial governments and academic researchers. The updated description information of the B-LFE, as well as a list of its data sources, can be found on Statistics Canada’s Integrated Metadatabase page.
Main themes covered by the Business - Linkable File Environment data sources

Description - Main themes covered by the Business - Linkable File Environment data sources
This image is a circle diagram showing the main themes covered by the Business - Linkable File Environment data sources. The left side of the circle represents the themes covered by survey data sources, and the right side of the circle represents the themes covered by administrative data sources. At the centre of the circle diagram, there is another circle. In this smaller circle, the left side shows the Business Register with the word “Businesses” around it, and the right side of this smaller circle shows the census and the Longitudinal Immigration Database with the words “Owners and employees” around them. At the very centre of this smaller circle is an image of a building on the left side and an image of a person on the right side.
Examples of themes shown on the left side of the circle diagram for survey data are innovation, research and development, small and medium enterprises, intellectual property, and investment and trade.
Examples of themes shown on the right side of the circle diagram for administrative data are tax data, employment, business innovation and growth support, research and development tax credit, and importers and exporters.
Frequently asked questions
What are the benefits of using the Business - Linkable File Environment?
I have logged onto my Electronic File Transfer account, where is the dataset?
The B-LFE enables users to generate new insights on businesses through microdata linkages of existing data sources. In this way, it contributes to an efficient use of existing data holdings and to reducing response burden on Canadian businesses. It also bridges existing data gaps, encompasses the entire universe of Canadian businesses and generates long data series, facilitating seamless comparisons.
What kind of linkages can be done in the Business - Linkable File Environment?
What output will I receive?
Linkages are done for businesses and the statistical unit of measurement is the enterprise level.
What other type of linkages can be done at Statistics Canada?
Why is my output file name different than my submitted file name?
For linkages done at the individual level, see the Social Data Linkage Environment web page.
Open databases are the core component of the Linkable Open Data Environment.
How can I get more information on the Business - Linkable File Environment?
How are the data rounded?
If you have questions or a potential project for the B-LFE, please email us at statcan.elfe-eefc.statcan@statcan.gc.ca.