Welcome to the Census of Environment portal. This is where you can learn about the Census of Environment (CoE), find our latest releases, data publications and reference material. Check out our mapping tools or download our geospatial files!
What's new
Average greenness of all population centres in Canada
in 2024+1.5 pts
Change since 2023 -
Average amount of carbon stored in Canada's managed forests
tonnes per hectare2018
Percentage of surface ocean water layer that is conserved
Conserved in 2022+0.7 pts
Change since 2021 -
Footprint of contiguously settled areas
18,435 km2
2020+465 km2
Since 2010
Maps, spatial information and data visualization
Related frameworks
Working together to share data, perspectives and expertise.
Consulting with Canadians to seek input about the Census of Environment initiatives, data and the usability of our products.
Statistics Canada is seeking input on the new Census of Environment program
Related resources
Visit other Statistics Canada subject hubs and portals for related data, analysis and information.
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