Age – 2021 Census promotional material

Help spread the word about 2021 census data on age in Canada. These data were released on April 27, 2022.

Quick facts

  • The working-age population (persons aged 15 to 64) has never been older. More than 1 in 5 persons (21.8%) in this population is close to retirement, that is, aged 55 to 64. This proportion represents an all-time high in the history of Canadian censuses.
  • In Canada, the population aged 15 to 64 still represents a larger share of the total population (64.8%) than in the other G7 countries, particularly Japan (less than 60%). The proportion for the United States is very close to Canada's.
  • Millennials are the generation that account for the largest share of the working-age population (33.2%), or those aged 15 to 64.four Canadians (73.7%) lived in one of Canada's large urban centres in 2021, up from 73.2% five years earlier.


Social media content

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Post 1

Grandfather pushing their grandchild on a park swing.

According to the #2021Census, more than 21.8% of people aged 55 to 64 years old in Canada are close to retirement. This is the highest rate ever recorded. To learn more about Canada's aging population:

Post 2

Smiling senior couple looking at a wooden model of a house being held in their hands

*Make your own social media post with data from your municipality. Find the data at Census of Population and fill in the post below.*

Statistics Canada has released new data from the #2021Census on age and type of dwellings! The average age of the population in [INSERT YOUR MUNICIPALITY'S NAME] is now [INSERT AVERAGE AGE]!

Web images

Age tile (JPG, 103 KB)
A multigenerational family

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