Help spread the word about 2021 census data on population and dwelling counts in Canada. These data were released on February 9, 2022.
Quick facts
- Canada's population grew at almost twice the pace of other G7 countries from 2016 to 2021.
- Although the pandemic halted Canada's strong population growth in 2020, it continued to be the fastest among G7 countries.
- Canada is home to almost 37 million people, 1.8 million (+5.2%) more than in 2016.
- Immigration, not fertility, mostly drove Canada's population growth from 2016 to 2021.
- Nearly three in four Canadians (73.7%) lived in one of Canada's large urban centres in 2021, up from 73.2% five years earlier.
- Downtowns are growing fast, and more rapidly than before. From 2016 to 2021, the downtown populations of the large urban centres grew faster (+10.9%) than the urban centres as a whole (+6.1%).
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Post 1

How much has #Canada's population grown in the past 5 years? Statistics Canada released new data from the #2021Census on population and dwelling counts. https:///
Post 2

Population counts are important to help plan for community services and much more. Statistics Canada released its updated #2021Census data on population and dwelling counts.
Post 3

One of the important goals of the Census of Population is to provide reliable data at the local level to help plan and decide on infrastructure and services needed for each of Canada's municipalities. New #2021Census data on population and dwelling counts are available
Post 4

New census data are out! Urban population growth is again outpacing rural regions as the country continues to move to cities.
Check out the new data at
Post 5

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic slowing population growth, Canada remains the fastest growing country in the G7. Learn more at
Post 6

Remember completing the census last year? The data are out now! Learn how your community has changed at
Post 7

What is the new population count of Canada? New #2021Census data are out now at
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