Help spread the word about 2021 census data on sex at birth and gender in Canada. These data were released on April 27, 2022.
Quick facts
- One in 300 people in Canada aged 15 and older are transgender or non-binary.
- In May 2021, there were 59,460 people in Canada aged 15 and older living in a private household who were transgender (0.19%) and 41,355 who were non-binary (0.14%).
- Close to two-thirds (62.0%) of the 100,815 individuals who were transgender or non-binary were younger than 35.
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Post 1

According to the latest #2021Census data, 0.19% percent of the Canadian population, aged 15 and older living in a private household, was transgender, and 0.14% was non-binary. To learn more:
Post 2

The #2021Census is the first census to provide data on transgender people and non-binary people. See the results from the #2021Census and learn more about gender diversity across Canada:
Web images
Sex at birth and gender tile (JPG, 76.0 KB)

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