Type of dwelling – 2021 Census promotional material

Help spread the word about 2021 census data on type of dwelling in Canada. These data were released on April 27, 2022.

Quick facts

  • The number of apartments in a high-rise apartment building—with five or more storeys—has risen quickly. From 2016 to 2021, it increased 14.7%, more than double the total growth in the number of private dwellings (+6.4%).
  • From 2016 to 2021, the number of apartments in high-rise apartment buildings in British Columbia (+24.8%) grew more than five times faster than the number of single-detached houses (+4.3%).
  • Apartments located in high-rises represent just over 3 in 10 dwellings (30.7%) in the large urban centre of Toronto, the highest percentage in the country.


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Post 1

Aerial view of a suburb with detached houses

New #2021Census data show that single detached houses are the most common housing type in Canada. To learn more about the changes in types of dwellings across the country: https://bit.ly/3rjh07Q

Web images

Type of dwelling tile (JPG, 129 KB)
A row of houses

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