Notice of changes to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2017 Version 1.0

December 16, 2016 (Previous notice)

This is an information notice.

The following changes have been made to NAICS 2017 Version 1.0.

  1. NAICS 711211 Sports teams and clubs has been removed from the NAICS structure.
  2. All references to 711211 in exclusions have been replaced with references to 711217 Sports teams and clubs performing before a paying audience. This affects exclusions found in 7113 Promoters (presenters) of performing arts, sports and similar events, 71131 Promoters (presenters) of performing arts, sports and similar events with facilities, 711319 Sports stadiums and other presenters with facilities, 71132 Promoters (presenters) of performing arts, sports and similar events without facilities and 711329 Sports presenters and other presenters without facilities.
  3. The examples Athletic skill level evaluator, independent and Sports trainer and advisor have been moved from 711215 Independent athletes performing before a paying audience to 711217 Sports teams and clubs performing before a paying audience.
  4. The example Local service reselling has been deleted from 517919 All other telecommunications.

Concordances between NAICS 2012 and NAICS 2017 Version 1.0 are now available.

NAICS 2017 Version 1.0 is available in a PDF version.

Contact information

For more information, please contact Standards Division.