Environment Accounts and Statistics Program

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Consultation objectives

In January 2011, Statistics Canada's Environment Accounts and Statistics Program was evaluated to assess its ability to meet the information needs of its clients.

The evaluation gave clients an opportunity to provide feedback and to express their level of satisfaction on the program's services. The feedback will be used to plan program improvements.

Consultation methodology

A client satisfaction survey was sent to 1,706 email addresses in February 2011. The questionnaire allowed respondents to evaluate the programs and services they used. Satisfaction and importance were expressed on a 5-point scale from low (1) to high (5) and respondents were invited to provide comments.

In March 2011, stakeholder consultations were held in Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary, Winnipeg and Quebec City.

How to get involved

This consultation is now closed.

Individuals who wish to obtain more information or to take part in a consultation should contact Statistics Canada through the Statistical Information Service.

Please note that Statistics Canada selects participants for each consultation to ensure feedback from a representative sample of the target population for the study. Not all applicants are asked to participate in a given consultation.


Overall, client satisfaction was positive with respect to environment statistics (70% of respondents indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied), and with the publications EnviroStats (74%) and Human activity and Human activity and the environment (76%).

For environment statistics, respondents were most satisfied with documentation (information about concepts, sources, methods and data quality) with 79% of respondents indicating satisfaction with the material and its ease of use (74%). The scope of the data (coverage of issues and subjects) and level of detail were rated as the two most important aspects of environment statistics.

Many respondents would like to see the scope of the information (30%) and the level of detail (30%) expanded.

Statistics Canada thanks participants for their participation in this consultation. Their insights guide the Agency's web development and ensure that the final products meet users' expectations.

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