Environmental Statistics Framework

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Consultation objectives

Statistics Canada will seek feedback from current and potential users of environmental statistics regarding their information needs and their opinions on the most appropriate choice for a conceptual framework for environmental statistics at Statistics Canada.

The agency is considering several options for establishing a conceptual framework for environmental statistics and is interested in the views of a broad range of users of statistics on the options.

Consultation method

The consultations will be conducted between October 2011 and October 2012, using a variety of mechanisms, including face-to-face discussions and telephone interviews. Both Statistics Canada staff and external consultants will be involved in conducting the consultations. The consultations will, for the most part, be held in locations across the country that are convenient for participants. A final workshop in Ottawa is being considered to conclude the process.

Consultation participants will include federal, provincial and municipal government officials, academics, business people and non-governmental organizations.

How to get involved

Individuals who wish to obtain more information or to take part in a consultation should contact Statistics Canada through the National Contact Centre.

Participants for each consultation are selected to ensure feedback is sought from a representative sample of the target population for the study. Not all applicants will be asked to participate in a given consultation.


Consultation results will be posted online when available.

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