Statistics Canada’s The Daily Readership Survey

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Consultation objectives

In January 2014, Statistics Canada invited readers of its official release bulletin, The Daily, to complete a survey. The feedback provided will help improve how the agency produces and delivers The Daily.

Consultation methodology

Participants were asked to complete a short, anonymous questionnaire. The survey was available online and email invitations were sent to My Account and Upcoming Releases subscribers, Website Evaluation Survey participants who use The Daily, as well as to a list of journalists. Links to access the survey were available on the Consulting Canadians page, on The Daily and on the Media room pages.

A total of 374 visitors participated over a 21-day period from January 6 to 27, 2014.

How to get involved

This consultation is now closed.

Individuals who wish to obtain more information or to take part in a consultation should contact Statistics Canada by sending an email to note that Statistics Canada selects participants for each consultation to ensure feedback is sought from a representative sample of the target population for the study. Not all applicants will be asked to participate in a given consultation.

Please note that Statistics Canada selects participants for each consultation to ensure feedback is sought from a representative sample of the target population for the study. Not all applicants will be asked to participate in a given consultation.

Statistics Canada is committed to respecting the privacy of consultation participants. All personal information created, held or collected by the Agency is protected by the Privacy Act. For more information on Statistics Canada's privacy policies, please consult the Privacy notice.


Overall satisfaction

In total, 81% of respondents were satisfied with The Daily.

Information sought and planned use

Consultation results show that 42% of respondents’ primary purpose for reading The Daily was for research for work or school and 36% wanted to stay generally informed about the economy and society.

Among participants, 44% read The Daily primarily for statistics and indicators, 35% for articles and studies and 11% for data tables and charts. Overall, 70% of participants reported that it was either easy or very easy to find what they were looking for in The Daily.

Areas of improvement

Ease of access to data (navigation and search) and website content (information availability) remain areas for improvement.

Consultation participant profile

Participants came principally from three main sectors:  federal government (20%), media (20%) and provincial government (19%). Among participants, 75% were frequent users who read The Daily at least once per week.

Statistics Canada thanks participants for their participation in this consultation. Their insights guide the agency’s web development and ensure that the final products meet users’ expectations.

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