The Daily consultation

Consultation objectives

The Daily is Statistics Canada's official release bulletin and plays an essential role in communicating data releases and new products to Canadians.

As online practices and stakeholder needs continue to evolve, Statistics Canada will modernize The Daily with an updated design and the inclusion of more visuals to better meet users' needs.

The consultation aimed to ensure that the new Daily layout is intuitive and compliant with a set of usability principles. It sought to identify any potential usability problems with the proposed layout.

Consultation methodology

Statistics Canada conducted remote usability testing with participants from acr@oss the country. Participants were asked to complete a series of tasks and to provide feedback on the product.

How participants got involved

This consultation is now closed.

Individuals who wished to obtain more information or to take part in a consultation were asked to contact Statistics Canada by sending an email to

Statistics Canada is committed to respecting the privacy of consultation participants. All personal information created, held or collected by the Agency is protected by the Privacy Act. For more information on Statistics Canada's privacy policies, please consult the Privacy notice.


Overall, the prototype of the new Daily landing page was well-received by participants. They reported that the updated page was more modern and visual than the existing version of The Daily.

Participants noted that the following areas worked:

  • Including more visual elements, such as the "Interact with data" section
  • The scrolling indicators bar
  • Previews of articles and products on the main Daily page

Participants suggested that the following areas could be improved:

  • The indicators lack context, such as reference periods, release dates and clear titles
  • The relevancy of the images accompanying the articles
  • The purpose and location of the "Also available today" section

After analysis, recommendations include:

  • Explore options to reduce the overall length of the page
  • Ensure that all sections of the page are clear and distinct from one another
  • Ensure that all relevant information is consistently available on each indicator (e.g. full titles rather than truncated titles, reference periods, release dates)
  • Review section headers and labels to ensure that they are representative of their content

Statistics Canada thanks participants for their participation in this consultation. Their insights will guide the agency's web development and ensure that the final products meet users' expectations.

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