Consulting Canadians: StatCan mobile application

Consultation objectives

Did you hear? StatCan is getting an app!

Statistics Canada is modernizing the way data are published and keeping pace with the way Canadians are increasingly using mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to access Government of Canada information and services.

You spoke, we listened

Data users and stakeholders want more data, provided faster, available in multiple formats and from multiple access points. So, to keep pace with this demand and to respond to the changing data landscape, Statistics Canada is introducing a new mobile application.

This free app will share trusted, unbiased facts, visuals and key information on Canada's data story, from local, regional and national lenses and will allow you to stay on top of the country’s latest statistical news, throughout the day.

But first, we want your feedback

Join us, and let us know what you think of the app. This consultation will help us gain insight on the app and its overall usability, design and effectiveness, as well as enhancements for future iterations.

How to get involved

This consultation is now closed.

For more information please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions. To participate, please contact us by email at:

Please note that Statistics Canada selects participants to ensure that feedback is sought from a representative sample of the target population for the consultation. Not all applicants will be asked to participate in a given consultation.

Statistics Canada is committed to respecting the privacy of consultation participants. All personal information created, held or collected by the agency is protected by the Privacy Act. For more information on Statistics Canada's privacy policies, please consult the Privacy notice.


Overall, the beta version of the StatsCAN application was well received by participants. They reported that it was easy to navigate and that it provided easy access to a variety of information.

Participants noted that the following areas worked well:

  • the highlighting of Statistics Canada products
  • the attractive visuals
  • the search and sort results option.

Participants suggested that the following improvements could be made:

  • sorting functionality on the "Publications" and "Following" screens
  • notifications functionality
  • navigation on the "For you - Following" screen.

After analysis, recommendations include the following:

  • ensuring that the various features and options are explained to users as they enter the application
  • encouraging users to continue exploring by providing suggestions for related articles
  • providing a help icon in the main menu bar to optimize access to resources
  • ensuring that the search and sort lists are in an intuitive order.

Statistics Canada thanks participants for their involvement in this consultation. Their insights will guide future development of the application and ensure that improvements will better meet users' expectations.

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