Opened: November 2022
Updated: February 2023
Consultative engagement objectives
Canadians are increasingly concerned about the economic, social and health risks and impacts posed by climate change and other environmental issues. These changes are reflected in Canada's ecosystems— like our coastal areas, wetlands, forests, lakes and prairies —where all living things (plants, animals) and non-living things (rocks, water) function together as a unit to make up a community of life.
Statistics Canada has been asked by the Government of Canada to develop a Census of Environment that will provide a robust picture of Canada's ecosystems and their benefit to our well-being and the economy. It will catalogue ecosystems in Canada, tracking their size and condition over time and measuring the ecosystem services provided such as clean air, food and recreation. This important program will inform decisions that will help protect, rehabilitate, enhance and sustain our environment and provide the information needed to understand the benefits of Canada's ecosystems.
How to get involved
Statistics Canada will be further engaging with Canadians in 2023-2024.
Individuals who wish to obtain more information on this engagement initiative may contact us by email at
Statistics Canada is committed to respecting the privacy of participants. All personal information created, held or collected by the agency is protected by the Privacy Act. For more information on Statistics Canada's privacy policies, please consult the privacy notice.
Summary results of the engagement initiatives will be published online when available.