These half-day events on Ethnocultural Diversity and Inclusion in Canada will feature a keynote presentation by Anil Arora, Chief Statistician of Canada on the evolution of ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic diversity and its measurement with a focus on Canada's three largest metropolitan areas: Montréal, Toronto and Vancouver.
To this end, the address will overview the inherent challenges and opportunities embedded in the measurement of diversity and highlight some of the very real socio-economic disparities observed on the road to inclusiveness and integration. In short, whether for the measures, trends, or issues, if you are interested in Canada's diversity and inclusiveness, join us and find out more!
An expert panel discussion and question period will follow immediately after the presentation. You are encouraged to provide your input and contribute to Statistics Canada's modernization efforts on these very important topics.
You may also follow the discussion stream via Statistics Canada's Facebook page.
We sincerely hope you will join us in what will undoubtedly be a thought-provoking and fruitful discussion.
When: Wednesday, May 8, 2019, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Where: Four Seasons Hotel Vancouver
Cost: Free
Registration is closed.

Anil Arora, Chief Statistician of Canada, Statistics Canada
Anil Arora earned a Bachelor's of Science degree at the University of Alberta, then went on to study computer science and received a graduate certificate in public sector management and governance from the University of Ottawa. He joined Statistics Canada in 1988 and moved up the ranks to become Assistant Chief Statistician of the Social, Institutions and Labour Statistics Field in 2008. After a few years spent as Assistant Deputy Minister at Natural Resources Canada and Health Canada, Mr. Arora was appointed Chief Statistician of Canada in September 2016.
Master of ceremonies

Lise Rivais, Director, Western and Northern Region, Statistics Canada
Lise Rivais studied translation at Laurentian and Concordia University. Her career with Statistics Canada began in 1995. Ms. Rivais worked in a variety of capacities for Statistics Canada in Regina, Vancouver and Ottawa. In 2008, she was appointed as Director of the Western Region and Northern Territories. In 2013, Ms. Rivais took on the role of Director for the Collection, Planning & Research Division. Most recently, Ms. Rivais resumed her role as Director of the Western and Northern Region.

Jean-Pierre Corbeil, Assistant Director, Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division, Statistics Canada
Jean-Pierre Corbeil is Assistant director in the Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division and is in charge of the Center for Ethnocultural, language and immigration statistics at Statistics Canada. After having completed a B.A. and M.A. at McGill University, he earned a Ph.D. in sociology from the Université de Montréal. He has been working in the field of Language Statistics and studying Canada's linguistic dynamics for over 20 years. He has published numerous monographs, articles and studies on Canada's language dynamics. In addition to studying language dynamics, his fields of interest are, among others, immigration, ethnocultural diversity, categorisations and social representations in intergroup relations.

Peter S. Li, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, University of Saskatchewan and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
Peter S. Li is Professor Emeritus of Sociology, University of Saskatchewan, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. His research areas are race and ethnicity, immigration, and Chinese Canadians. He has published over 100 academic papers and 11 books, including The Chinese in Canada, The Making of Post-War Canada, and Destination Canada. He was awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award (2002) from the Canadian Sociology Association, the Earned Doctor of Letters (2011) from the University of Saskatchewan, and the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012) as well as the Order of Canada (2016) from the Governor General of Canada.

Krishna Pendakur, Professor of economics, Simon Fraser University
Krishna Pendakur has been on the faculty of the Economics Department at Simon Fraser University since 1994. He has focused his research on improving various aspects of the measurement of inequality, poverty and discrimination. Specifically, he has worked on: the estimation of poverty and inequality, both within and across households, in Canada and in the developing world; the measurement of immigrant, visible minority and indigenous disparity in Canadian labour markets; the measurement of consumer welfare, including the cost of living, the cost of children and the costs and benefits of CO2 pricing. This work has resulted in many contributions in the best journals in the field, including the American Economic Review and the Journal of Political Economy.

Katie Rosenberger, Executive Director, Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA)
Katie Rosenberger is the Executive Director of AMSSA, a British Columbia provincial association that strengthens over 70 member agencies as well as hundreds of community stakeholder agencies who serve immigrants and newcomers. Katie represents the BC Settlement Sector on the National Settlement Council and is the Board Secretary for the Canadian Immigration Settlement Sector Alliance (CISSA-ACSEI), the national body for settlement associations. She is an experienced speaker and facilitator, presenting on AMSSA's collaborative partnerships to educate newcomers on Indigenous history and reconciliation and the need for Provincial newcomer integration planning to address economic diversity and anticipated labour market shortages in BC. Katie holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and a Masters of Business Administration.

Sangeeta Subramanian, Senior Manager, Workplace Development at Immigrant Employment Council of BC
Sangeeta Subramanian is the Senior Manager, Workplace Development at Immigrant-Employment Council of BC. She brings to her role 20 years of professional experience in the not-for-profit sector in Canada as well as Asia. This encompasses strategic planning, facilitation, cultural intelligence training, policy development, partnership development, program design and coordination, mentoring, leadership development and civic engagement. Sangeeta holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Madras, India, and an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management. Additionally, she has a Certificate in Non-Profit Management and Leadership from the Schulich School of Business, York University.