The presentation discussed results from the 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey on the topic of mental health status of individuals coming into contact with police. Other data collected by Statistics Canada that could help inform the discussion of mental health and the justice system were presented, followed by a discussion of next steps in terms of moving forward in improving data holdings to address this high-priority issue. The presentation was followed by a panel discussion with experts and audience questions.
When: Thursday, March 19, 2015, 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Where: Saskatoon Inn and Conference Centre, 2002 Airport Drive, Saskatchewan A Ballroom, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Cost: Free
Registration is closed.

Wayne R. Smith, Chief Statistician of Canada, Statistics Canada
Wayne R. Smith completed an Honours BA and Master of Economics at Carleton University in Ottawa. He joined Statistics Canada in 1981. From 2004 to 2010, as Assistant Chief Statistician, he was responsible for a variety of programs and surveys. In September 2010, by order-in-council, Mr. Smith was appointed interim Chief Statistician, and confirmed as Chief Statistician of Canada in January 2011.

Yvan Clermont, Director, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Statistics Canada
Yvan Clermont graduated from the University of Montréal in Economics in 1987 (Bachelor of Science) and from HEC Montréal in Applied Economics in 1990 (Master of Science). In his current position, he is responsible for planning and directing the activities related to the production, integration, and the analysis of justice related statistics and indicators.

Dale McFee, Deputy Minister of Corrections and Policing, Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice
Dale McFee was appointed Deputy Minister of Corrections and Policing in September 2012, after 26 years as a police officer in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, including nine years as the Chief of Police for the Prince Albert Police Service. From 2011 to 2014, he served as President and past President of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police and has previously held the positions of President of the Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police, President of the Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers, and Director of the Canadian Police Association. Mr. McFee received several commendations including being appointed and promoted to officer within the Order of Merit within police services by the Governor General of Canada.

Dr. Cordell Neudorf, Chief Medical Health Officer, Saskatoon Health Region
Dr. Cordell Neudorf received his medical degree from the University of Saskatchewan, a Master’s of Health Science degree in Community Health and Epidemiology from the University of Toronto, and is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada with Certification in the specialty of Community Medicine. Dr. Neudorf is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology at the University of Saskatchewan. His research interests include Health Inequalities, health status indicators and surveys, health status monitoring and reporting, and integrating Population Health data and Geographic Information Systems into public health and health system planning. He is co-Chair of the Saskatchewan Population Health Council and the Saskatoon Regional Intersectoral Committee.

Cathy Trainor, Chief, Canadian Community Health Survey Focus Content Component, Health Statistics Division, Statistics Canada
Cathy Trainor has a Master’s degree in Sociology from Dalhousie University in Halifax. She is currently responsible for several population health surveys on topics such as mental health, nutrition, aging and chronic diseases. During her career at Statistics Canada, she has also worked on several surveys addressing the issues of victimization and family violence.

Clive Weighill, C.O.M., Chief of Police, Saskatoon Police Service
Chief Clive Weighill is a 39 year veteran of policing in Saskatchewan, sworn to the office of Chief of Police for the Saskatoon Police Service on September 1, 2006. During his 31 year career with the Regina Police Service, he worked in Patrol, Communications, Crime Prevention, Commercial Crime, Property Crime, Drugs, Vice, Planning and Research and Senior Administration. Chief Weighill is President of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police and a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police. He is the recipient of the Police Exemplary Service Medal and Bar, the Saskatchewan Protective Services Medal, the Saskatchewan Centennial Medal, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal and is a Commander of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces.