Energy's run as the largest contributor to Canadian export earnings ended in 2015, as the world grappled with an over-supply of oil. This presentation looked at Statistics Canada data to help provide insight into related price movements, the gasoline value chain and the subsequent economic fallout. Selected impacts on the government sector, business activities, and consumer behavior, over a five year period (from 2011 to 2016) were also reviewed. Special focus was made on Alberta, where the energy sector is an important economic driver.
The presentation was followed by a panel discussion with experts and audience questions.
When: Thursday, October 19, 2017, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (noon)
Where: Delta Calgary Downtown Hotel, Bow Valley Ballroom, 209 Fourth Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta
Cost: Free
Registration is closed.

Anil Arora, Chief Statistician of Canada, Statistics Canada
Anil Arora earned a Bachelor's of Science degree at the University of Alberta, then went on to study computer science and received a graduate certificate in public sector management and governance from the University of Ottawa. He joined Statistics Canada in 1988 and moved up the ranks to become Assistant Chief Statistician of the Social, Institutions and Labour Statistics Field in 2008. After a few years spent as Assistant Deputy Minister at Natural Resources Canada and Health Canada, Mr. Arora was appointed Chief Statistician of Canada in September 2016.
Master of ceremonies

Daniela Ravindra, Director General, Economy-wide Statistics Branch, Statistics Canada
Daniela Ravindra holds a Bachelor's of Social Sciences degree from the University of Ottawa and a Master's in Economics from McMaster University. Ms. Ravindra is currently the Director General of the Economic-Wide Statistics Branch and is responsible for a wide range of programs such as the consumer and producer price indexes, the innovation, science and technology programs, as well as business finance. Included in her portfolio is the Canadian Housing Statistics Program, an important new initiative to develop a set of comprehensive indicators for the housing sector. Previously, Ms. Ravindra managed the industry statistics programs (manufacturing, trade and services) at Statistics Canada.

Lawrence McKeown, Environment, Energy and Transportation Statistics Division, Statistics Canada
Lawrence McKeown is a principal researcher for the Environment, Energy and Transportation statistics programs at Statistics Canada. He started with Statistics Canada over 25 years ago as a regional advisor in the Toronto office and has since worked with both household and business surveys. A graduate of the University of Toronto, Dr. McKeown has also worked as a research associate at Dalhousie University, an assistant professor at McMaster University and as a senior research associate at Imagine Canada.

Martha Hall Findlay, President and Chief Executive Officer, Canada West Foundation
Martha Hall Findlay received a BA in International Relations at the University of Toronto, and her LLB at Osgoode Hall Law School. She then went on to obtain her ICD.D, Institute of Corporate Directors at Toronto's Rotman School of Management Directors Education Program. She is also a business executive and past Executive Fellow of Calgary's School of Public Policy. Her insights on critical issues such as pipelines, international trade, foreign investment, energy and climate, and supply management have framed the national debate for decision-makers and everyday Canadians. She was a Member of Parliament from 2008 to 2011, and served as a member of the House of Commons Standing Committees for Finance, Transport, Government Operations and International Trade. Ms. Hall Findlay has also served as a director for several policy, environmental, community and cultural organizations, including the Couchiching Institute on Public Affairs and Alberta's CKUA not-for-profit radio network. She is currently Vice Chair of the Board of Alpine Canada.

Jason Parent, Vice President, Consulting, Kent Group Ltd
Jason Parent holds an undergraduate degree in Business Administration from the University of Windsor. He is the Vice President of Consulting at Kent Group Ltd, a Canadian-based firm that provides world-class excellence in data, analytics and consulting services relating to the downstream petroleum industry. He has 15 years of experience relating to the petroleum and biofuels industries. His functional specialties include petroleum market economics, price/regulatory structures and economics, and downstream operations analysis. Mr. Parent is also a known media commentator and speaker on matters relating to the petroleum industry, particularly on the subject of petroleum prices.

Dr. Jeffrey Peter, Manager, Research and Analytics, Policy and Strategic Direction Branch, Western Economic Diversification Canada
Jeffrey Peter holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Ottawa, a Master’s degree in Economics from York University, and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Queen’s University. In his current role at Western Economic Diversification Canada, his main responsibility is to lead analysis of the western Canadian economy and provide evidence-based advice and research. Dr. Peter’s research interests include industrial organization, public finance, and regional economics. He has also taught economics at the University of Ottawa and MacEwan University.