In recognition of our agency's 100th anniversary this year, this presentation explored the societal and economic evolution of education in the Maritimes over the past century. It also explored the current postsecondary landscape of enrolments, graduates and labour market outcomes in the Maritimes, with a Canadian perspective for context. Looking forward, this presentation then illustrated how innovations in data strategies currently underway at Statistics Canada will change our understanding of education.
The presentation was followed by a panel discussion with various local stakeholders and a Q&A session with the audience.
When: Monday, December 10, 2018
Where: Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel, 1919 Upper Water St., Halifax, NS, B3J 3J5
Cost: Free
Registration is closed.

Anil Arora, Chief Statistician of Canada, Statistics Canada
Anil Arora earned a Bachelor's of Science degree at the University of Alberta, then went on to study computer science and received a graduate certificate in public sector management and governance from the University of Ottawa. He joined Statistics Canada in 1988 and moved up the ranks to become Assistant Chief Statistician of the Social, Institutions and Labour Statistics Field in 2008. After a few years spent as Assistant Deputy Minister at Natural Resources Canada and Health Canada, Mr. Arora was appointed Chief Statistician of Canada in September 2016.
Master of ceremonies

Martine Lamontagne, Regional Director, Eastern Region, Statistics Canada
Martine Lamontagne has a vast experience with Statistics Canada having started with the department during the 1991 Census in the Regional Census Office located in Montreal where she held a position of supervisor at the Census Help Line. After the 1991 Census she went back to University and obtained her degree in Industrial Relations in 1992. From May 1992 to the present day, she held many positions in collection and census operations such as Data Collection Manager, Program and District Manager and Regional Assistant Director to name a few. Ms. Lamontagne was appointed Regional Director for the Eastern Region on October, 2012.

Karen Mihorean, Director General of Education, Labour and Income Statistics, Statistics Canada
After graduating with a Masters of Arts (Criminology) degree, Karen Mihorean joined Statistics Canada in 1991, where she worked in the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics for a number of years. Leaving justice statistics, she became Director of Income Statistics before joining the Office of the Chief Statistician where she served as Chief of Staff for six years. In 2016, Ms. Mihorean was appointed to her current role as Director General of Education, Labour and Income Statistics, where she oversees programs responsible for developing key education, labour and income indicators.

Yigit Aydede, Associate Professor of Economics, Saint Mary's University
Yigit Aydede is an associate professor of economics at Saint Mary's University. His research interest is economics of population in the area of applied microeconomics. He teaches econometrics and data analytics courses both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. His current research projects are related to machine learning applications on behavioral genomics and sentiment analysis with social media data extractions. Dr. Aydede is one of the founder members of "Research Portal of Statistical Learning in Atlantic Canada", which is a joint initiative of researchers from Dalhousie and Saint Mary's universities.

Dawn Gordon, Director, Research and Data Analysis, Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission
Dawn Gordon first joined the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission as a Policy and Research Analyst in 1999 after completing a PhD in Biology, and began her role as Director in 2010. Dr. Gordon works with her colleagues in building the Maritimes' PSE data resources, as well as in communicating the important trends and insights to the Commission's stakeholders.

Philip Leonard, Research Associate, Department of Economics, University of New Brunswick, and Economist, New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training
Phil Leonard is a Research Associate with the Department of Economics at the University of New Brunswick and Economist for the New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training. In 2014, he moved to Fredericton from Ontario, where he received his PhD in economics from McMaster University. Dr. Leonard's current research interests include labour and education economics, health economics, and program evaluation.

Casey Warman, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Dalhousie University, and Faculty Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research
Casey Warman is an Associate Professor in the Economics Department at Dalhousie University and a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He is currently the Academic Director of the Atlantic Research Data Centre and he previously worked for Statistics Canada as a Research Analyst at the Queen's Research Data Centre. His current research interests primarily involve empirical issues in the areas of health economics, labour market integration, and immigration. Dr. Warman's research has been published in journals such as Economic Inquiry, the Journal of Human Resources, the Canadian Journal of Economics, Labour Economics and the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.