The Open Database of Addresses (ODA)
Metadata document: concepts, methodology and data quality
Version 1.0
Data Exploration and Integration Lab (DEIL)
Centre for Special Business Projects (CSBP)
Release date: April 29th, 2021
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Data Sources
- Reference Period
- Target Population
- Compilation Methodology
- Data Dictionary
- Data Accuracy
- Geographic Representation
This project benefited from a collaboration with OpenAddresses, specifically on the code for address compilation and processing. Their foundational work and insights on that are gratefully acknowledged.
1. Overview
For the purpose of exploring open data for official statistics and to support geospatial research across various domains, the Data Exploration and Integration Lab (DEIL) undertook a project to create an accessible and harmonized database of addresses released as open data by various levels of government within CanadaFootnote 1. This document details the process of collecting, compiling, and standardizing the individual datasets of address points that were used to create the experimental Open Database of Addresses (ODA) which is made available under the Open Government Licence - Canada.
Statistics Canada acknowledges the many local governments that produce public address listings, which are the source of the ODA. These addresses will also be integrated into a new National Address Register (NAR) of residential and non-residential addresses, to be made available later this year by Statistics Canada. Compiled from a multitude of sources, The NAR will be a comprehensive and standardized source of publicly-available addresses and related geographic coding. It is part of the Data Strategy for the Federal Public Service.
In its current version (version 1.0), the ODA contains over 10 million addresses. The database is expected to be updated periodically as new open datasets of address points from government sources become available, until full integration in a National Address Register. The ODA is provided as a zipped CSV file at the provincial or territorial level.
In addition, the compilation and processing codes used to generate the ODA are available at Canadian Open Address Point Processing (COAPP). This allows for automated updates of the data, and in this way, a comprehensive civic address database can be refreshed in real time as municipalities and local governments update their open data files.
This dataset is one of a number of datasets created as part of the Linkable Open Data Environment (LODE). The LODE is an exploratory initiative that aims at enhancing the use and harmonization of open data from authoritative sources by providing a collection of datasets released under a single licence, as well as open-source code to link these datasets together. Access to the LODE datasets and code are available through the Statistics Canada website and can be found at the Linkable Open Data Environment.
2. Data Sources
Across Canada, local governments create and maintain civic addresses. The ODA derives its record directly from these authoritative sources, which made these records available under an open data license compatible with the Government of Canada Open Data License. Hence, multiple data sources were used to create the ODA. The compilation expanded on the work initiated by the organization OpenAddresses, which aggregates open address data globally on its GitHub page. In total, address points from 99 data providers were used (though some sources overlap geographically).
The data providers, which include municipal, regional, and provincial levels of government, are listed in Supplemental Table 1, along with links to the original data sources. Attribution to each of these data sources is listed, as per the licence requirements. Where applicable, licence versions are also shown. For further information on the individual licenses, users should consult directly with the information provided on the open data portals for the various data providers.
3. Reference Period
Ideally, the reference period would be the period for which the underlying address data refers to. Such information, however, was not always available from the open data portals. Refreshing frequency of the original databases varies as well across sources, with some reporting weekly updates and others semi-annual, annual, or irregular updates; Supplemental Table 1 provides the date each dataset used in the ODA was downloaded. Data were gathered from January to April of 2021. Users are cautioned that the download date should not be used to indicate the reference period of the data. If specific information concerning the reference period of data is required, users should contact the appropriate data providers shown in Supplemental Table 1.
4. Target Population
The goal of the ODA is to create a comprehensive and harmonized repository of civic addresses made available from local government open data sources across Canada. Addresses may identify residential buildings, commercial or institutional buildings, or simply refer to parcels. Furthermore, buildings and parcels may be assigned multiple addresses. The ODA includes all unduplicated civic addresses that were possible to compile from the local and provincial government sources listed in Supplemental Table 1.
5. Compilation Methodology
The compilation methodology of the ODA is nearly fully automated, to allow for potentially frequent update of the database. As more local governments move to high frequency updates of their open civic address databases, this will allow for a near real-time comprehensive ODA.Footnote 2
The code used for the collection and pre-processing is based on a modified version of the processing pipeline developed by OpenAddresses. This process downloads the individual data files and standardises them to the same set of columns using a dictionary mapping described in JSON input files, and includes minor processing when necessary such as separating addresses into separate civic number and street name fields, or else combining fields from the original data where necessary. For every source, this process produces a CSV file with standardised address point data.
Users should note that, within the 99 datasets obtained, each data provider attached a different set of variables to the address point data. In some instances, the different fields making up the address (street number, street name, etc.) were already provided separately, while in other cases they needed to be parsed from more complete address fields. Likewise, in some cases street types and directions were standardized to common abbreviations, while in others they were provided in a fully expanded form. Finally, the data was also provided in a range of file formats, from simple comma separated value (CSV) files, to geographic file formats such as shapefiles or geojson, or else the data was accessed programmatically through an API.
The compilation codes account for these differences and harmonize sources into a standard format. Hence, the adoption or modification of formatting standards at the sources would require future adjustments in the processing codes.
Additional processing was done in four steps:
- Standardisation: Street addresses were parsed and standardised into street name, street type, and street direction fields (e.g., to transform "MAIN STREET NORTH" into "MAIN", "ST", "N"). This process was done with a modified version of RASK (Road Attribute Search Key), a tool used at Statistics Canada for standardising addresses from administrative sources for record linking. Any sources missing a full address column had this information filled in by concatenating the unit, street number, and full street name. Sources missing city names had this imputed from the name of the source file (e.g., to transform "city_of_banff.csv" into "BANFF"). The processed and imputed columns in the database are those with the suffix "_pcs".
- Cleaning: Records with missing coordinates or street names were dropped. All coordinates were truncated to 5 decimal places (corresponding to metre-level precision). The files were deduplicated at the level of the original sources by dropping records with identical coordinates, units, street number, and standardised street name.
- Spatial join: All records were spatially joined with the Statistics Canada 2016 Census Subdivision (CSD) boundary file to assign CSDUID, CSD name, and PRUID. A small number of records that could not be placed into CSDs were dropped.
- Final Merge: All data sources were combined into a single Canada-wide dataset of address points. Duplicates were dropped a second time following the same criteria as in step 2. Because it occurs in the original data that the same street address may have multiple representative coordinates, a group identifier was computed by grouping together entries with the same CSDUID, street number, and processed address components, so that entries with the same group id will correspond to the same street address and can be further processed by the end user if necessary.
In Step 4, a unique identifier is computed and assigned to each record. This unique identifier is the result of a hash using the Blake2b algorithm in Python's hashlib library, generated from a concatenation of the coordinates and processed address fields (the civic number, unit, and standardised street name). This means that a unique record for the purpose of the ODA is defined only by its coordinates and street address, and not by other fields such as provider or city.
In some cases it was necessary to download and pre-process the data before passing it through the initial collection pipeline (for example, to account for files formatted in such a way as to not be able to be read by the pipeline, encoding issues, or in the case of Montreal, to split address ranges into individual rows). The pre-processing scripts and a description are available on the project GitHub page.
6. Data Dictionary
This data dictionary below describes the variables contained within the exploratory ODA.
Variable - Latitude
- Name
- latitude
- Format
- Double
- Source
- Provided as is from original data
- Description
- The latitude in decimal degrees of the address point truncated to 5 decimal places.
Variable - Longitude
- Name
- longitude
- Format
- Double
- Source
- Provided as is from original data
- Description
- The longitude in decimal degrees of the address point truncated to 5 decimal places.
Variable - Source ID
- Name
- id_source
- Format
- Alphanumeric
- Source
- Provided from original data
- Description
- Unique object or field ID assigned to the records as recorded in original data sources.
Variable - ODA ID
- Name
- id
- Format
- Alphanumeric
- Source
- Internally generated during data processing
- Description
- Unique ID assigned to records derived from a hash computed from the coordinates and standardized address fields.
Variable - Group ID
- Name
- id_group
- Format
- Alphanumeric
- Source
- Internally generated during data processing
- Description
- Field ID assigned to records sharing address information (civic number, street name, street type, street direction) but with different geocoordinates.
Variable – Civic Number
- Name
- street_no
- Format
- String
- Source
- Provided from original data
- Description
- The street number of the address, either as provided or else parsed from the full address.
Variable – Full Street Name
- Name
- street
- Format
- String
- Source
- Provided from original data
- Description
- The street name of the address, including street type and direction where applicable, either as provided or else parsed from the full address.
Variable – Street Name
- Name
- str_name
- Format
- String
- Source
- Provided from original data
- Description
- The street name of the address, without type and direction, as provided.
Variable – Full Street Name
- Name
- str_type
- Format
- String
- Source
- Provided from original data
- Description
- The street type of the address as provided.
Variable – Full Street Name
- Name
- str_dir
- Format
- String
- Source
- Provided from original data
- Description
- The street direction of the address as provided.
Variable – Unit
- Name
- unit
- Format
- String
- Source
- Provided from original data
- Description
- The street unit the address either as provided or else parsed from the full address.
Variable – Municipality
- Name
- city
- Format
- String
- Source
- Provided as is from original data
- Description
- The name of the municipality.
Variable – Postal Code
- Name
- postal_code
- Format
- String
- Source
- Provided as is from original data
- Description
- The postal code of the address.
Variable – Full address
- Name
- full_addr
- Format
- String
- Source
- Provided as is from original data or imputed
- Description
- The full address, either as provided or else created from the concatenation of the other fields.
Variable – Processed City
- Name
- city_pcs
- Format
- String
- Source
- Internally generated during data processing
- Description
- The name of the municipality, imputed from the file name of the original source if necessary.
Variable – Processed Street Name
- Name
- str_name_pcs
- Format
- String
- Source
- Internally generated during data processing
- Description
- The standardised street name of the address, without type and direction.
Variable – Processed Street Type
- Name
- str_type_pcs
- Format
- String
- Source
- Internally generated during data processing
- Description
- The standardised street type of the address.
Variable – Processed Street Direction
- Name
- str_dir_pcs
- Format
- String
- Source
- Internally generated during data processing
- Description
- The standardised street direction of the address.
Variable – Census subdivision unique identifier
- Name
- csduid
- Format
- Integer
- Source
- Canadian census subdivision boundaries 2016 (Statistics Canada GeoSuite product)
- Description
- The census subdivision ID where the address is located.
Variable – Census subdivision name
- Name
- csdname
- Format
- String
- Source
- Canadian census subdivision boundaries 2016 (Statistics Canada GeoSuite product)
- Description
- Name of census subdivision.
Variable – Province unique identifier
- Name
- pruid
- Format
- Integer
- Source
- Canadian census subdivision boundaries 2016 (Statistics Canada GeoSuite product)
- Description
- The province ID where the address is located.
Variable – Data Provider
- Name
- provider
- Format
- Text (String)
- Source
- Created based on origins of input dataset
- Description
- Name of the municipality, region, or province/territory that provided the dataset.
7. Data Accuracy
All addresses were collected from authoritative government sources, made available to the public as open data. In general, other than the processing required to harmonize the different sources into one database, the underlying datasets obtained from the various open data portals were taken "as-is".
During the processing stage to create the ODA, several steps were taken to standardize the output, including the standardization of street types and a deduplication of entries. It is possible that the process used to standardize the addresses may have introduced some errors, but these are expected to be minimal. Likewise, it is possible that duplicate entries remain in the database. To control for possible processing inaccuracies, the full address column is also provided without standardization applied.
The ODA represents the government open data that was found at the time of compilation and should thus not be interpreted as a complete or objective "ground-truth" of what addresses actually exist in Canada. The current coverage across Canada of the ODA remains incomplete in some jurisdictions. The gaps in the database reflect areas where open data on addresses from government sources were not found. Some of these gaps may be closed as more civic addresses are release as open data by local governments.
8. Geographic Representation
The Open Database of Addresses is available on the Statistics Canada website with coordinates given in latitudes and longitudes using the WGS84 standard ellipsoid.
- Date modified: