Data - DLI


Products for surveys starting with the letter A
Title Acronym Survey number
Aboriginal Children's Survey: Synthetic FileFootnote* ACS 5108
Absence from Work Survey - PUMF AWS 3805
Access and Support to Education and Training Survey - PUMF ASETS 5151
Adult Correctional Services ACS 3306
Adult Education and Training Survey - PUMF AETS 3879
Annual Retail Store Survey ARSS 2446
Annual Survey of Manufactures and Logging Industries ASML 2103


Products for surveys starting with the letter B
Title Acronym Survey number
Business Integrated Database BID Note: not applicable


Products for surveys starting with the letter C
Title Acronym Survey number
Canada’s Core Public Infrastructure Survey – Tables CCPI 5173
Canada Health Survey - PUMF CHS 3217
Canada's Alcohol and Other Drugs Survey - PUMF CADS 4408
Canada's Demographic Estimates - Tables CDE 3601
Canadian Business Patterns CBP 1105
Canadian COVID-19 Antibody and Health Survey, Cycle 1-PUMF CCHAS 5339
Canadian COVID-19 Antibody and Health Survey, Cycle 2-PUMF CCHAS 5339
Canadian Community Health Survey - PUMF CCHS 3226
Canadian Community Health Survey - Tables CCHS 3226
Canadian Farm Financial Database CFFD 3447
Canadian Financial Capability Survey - PUMF CFCS 5159
Canadian Health Measures Survey: Reference materialsFootnote* CHMS 5071
Canadian Health Measures Survey, Cycle 1 Oral Health-PUMF CHMS 5071
Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth-PUMF CHSCY 5233
Add Canadian Housing Survey-PUMF CHS 5269
Canadian Housing Survey Note: not applicable 5269
Canadian Income Survey - PUMF CIS 5200
Canadian Internet Use Survey - PUMF CIUS 4432
Canadian Survey of Experiences with Primary Health Care - PUMF CSE-PHC 5138
Canadian Survey on Early learning and Child Care-PUMF CSELCC 5371
Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey-PUMF CTNS 5305
Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey - PUMF CTUMS 4440
Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey - PUMF CTADS 4440
Canadian Travel Survey CTS 3810
Canadian Legal Problem Survey-PUMF CLPS 5337
Canadian Perspectives Survey, Series 1 Impacts of COVID-19-PUMF CPSS 5311
Canadian Perspectives Survey, Series 2 Monitoring the Effects of COVID-19-PUMF CPSS 5311
Canadian Perspectives Survey, Series 3 Resuming Economic and Social Activities During COVID-19-PUMF CPSS 5311
Canadian Perspectives Survey, Series 4 Information Sources Consulted During the Pandemic-PUMF CPSS 5311
Canadian Perspectives Survey, Series 5 Technology Use and Cyber security During the Pandemic-PUMF CPSS 5311
Canadian Perspectives Survey, Series 6 Substance Use and Stigma During the Pandemic-PUMF CPSS 5311
Community College Student Information System CCSIS 3122
Census of Agriculture - Tables AGR 3438
Census of Population - PUMF Censuspop 3901
Census of Population - Tables Censuspop 3901
Changes in Employment Survey - PUMF CIES 4423
Compensation Sector Survey - PUMF CSS 4449
Concentration ratios in the manufacturing industries and Herfindahl indexes CRHI Note: not applicable
Corrections Key Indicator Report for Adults and Young Offenders - Tables CKIR 3313
Cultural Labour Force Survey CLFS Note: not applicable
Corporations Returns Act CRA 2503


Products for surveys starting with the letter D
Title Acronym Survey number
Dangerous Goods Accident Information System DGAIS 7503


Products for surveys starting with the letter E
Title Acronym Survey number
Elementary-Secondary Education Survey - Tables ESES 5102
Employment Dynamics Note: not applicable 2946
Employment Insurance Coverage Survey - PUMF EICS 4428
Ethnic Diversity Survey - PUMF EDS 4508


Products for surveys starting with the letter F
Title Acronym Survey number
Financial Information of Universities and Colleges Survey - Tables FIUC 3121
Financial Performance Indicators for Canadian Business FPICB 2510
Financial Statistics of Community Colleges and Vocational Schools - Tables FINCOL 3146
Fleet Report - Inventory of Commercial Aircraft in Canada FLEET Note: not applicable
Food Expenditure Survey - PUMF FOODEX 3503


Products for surveys starting with the letter G
Title Acronym Survey number
General Social Survey - PUMF GSS
Geography Products GEO Note: not applicable


Products for surveys starting with the letter H
Title Acronym Survey number
Health Indicators Database HI Note: not applicable
Health Promotion SurveyFootnote* HPS 3828
Homeowner Repair And Renovation Survey - PUMF HRRS 3886
Homicide Survey - Tables HS 3315
Households and the Environment Survey - PUMF HES 3881


Products for surveys starting with the letter I
Title Acronym Survey number
Impact of COVID-19 on Canadians-PUMF ICC 5323
Impact of COVID-19 on Canadian’s Experiences of Discrimination-PUMF ICC-ED 5323
Impact of COVID-19 on Canadian’s Mental Health-PUMF ICC-MH 5323
Impact of COVID-19 on Canadian’s Trust in Others-PUMF ICC-TO 5323
Impact of COVID-19 on Canadian’s Living With Long-Term Conditions and Disabilities-PUMF ICC-LLCD 5323
Impact of COVID-19 on Canadians Parenting During the Pandemic-PUMF ICC-PDP 5323
Impact of COVID-19 on Canadian’s Perception of Safety-PUMF ICC-PS 5323
Income Trends in Canada ITC 3889
Indigenous Peoples Survey - Tables IPS 3250
Indigenous Peoples Survey - PUMF IPS 3250
Industrial MonitorFootnote* IM Note: not applicable
Information and Communications Technologies In Schools Survey - Tables ICTSS 5051
Input - Output Tables Note: not applicable 1401
Integrated Criminal Court Survey - Tables ICCS 3312
International Travel Survey - PUMF ITS 3152
International Youth Survey - PUMF IYS 5117
Interwar Labour Database ILD Note: not applicable


Products for surveys starting with the letter J
Title Acronym Survey number
Joint Canada/United States Survey of Health – PUMF JCUSH 5020

K - No products for surveys starting with the letter K


Products for surveys starting with the letter L
Title Acronym Survey number
Labour Force Survey - PUMF LFS 3701
Legal Aid Survey - Tables LAS 3308


Products for surveys starting with the letter M
Title Acronym Survey number
Mental Health and Access to Care Survey-PUMF MHACS 5015


Products for surveys starting with the letter N
Title Acronym Survey number
National Electronic Media Use Survey - PUMF NEMUS 4424
National Graduates Survey - PUMF NGS 5012
National Household Survey - PUMF NHS 5178
National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth - PUMF NLSCY 4450
National Population Health Survey - PUMF NPHS 3236
National Private Vehicle Use Survey - PUMF NPVUS 4407
National Survey of Information Technology Occupations - Tables NSITO 2939
National Travel Survey NTS 5232
New Brunswick Wage Rate Survey - Tables NBWRS 2920


Products for surveys starting with the letter O
Title Acronym Survey number
Occupational Surveillance in Canada – Tables OSC 3233
Ontario Adult Literacy Survey - PUMF OALS 4433
Ontario Material Deprivation Survey - PUMF OMDS 5161


Products for surveys starting with the letter P
Title Acronym Survey number
Participation and Activity Limitation Survey - PUMF PALS 3251
Police Administration Survey - Tables PAS 3301
Population Projections for Canada Provinces and Territories with Detailed Electronic Tables Note: not applicable 3602
Profile of Persons with Disabilities - Tables PPD 3251
Profile of Visible Minorities - Tables PVM 4508
Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies – PUMF PIAAC 4406
Provincial Economic Accounts - Tables PEA 1901
Public Service Employee Survey - PUMF PSES 4438

Q - No products for surveys starting with the letter Q


Products for surveys starting with the letter R
Title Acronym Survey number
Residential Telephone Service Survey - PUMF RTSS 4426


Products for surveys starting with the letter S
Title Acronym Survey number
School Leavers Survey - PUMF SLS 3156
Small Area Retail Trade Estimates - Tables SARTRE 2409
Small Area and Administrative Data - Tables SAAD 4105
Small Business Profiles - Tables SBP 5028
Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Canada - Tables SME 5157
Sub Provincial Employment Dynamics - Tables SPED 8013
Sun Exposure Survey - PUMF SES 4419
Survey of Approaches to Educational Planning - PUMF SAEP 4442
Survey of Consumer Finances - PUMF SCF 3502
Survey of Earned Doctorates - Tables SED 3126
Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours - Tables SEPH 2612
Survey of Family Expenditures - PUMF FAMEX 3504
Survey of Financial Security - PUMF SFS 2620
Survey of Household Energy Use - PUMF SHEU 4403
Survey of Household Spending - PUMF SHS 3508
Survey of Innovation - Tables SOI 4218
Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics - PUMF SLID 3889
Survey of Literacy Skills Used in Daily Activities - PUMF LSUDA 3874
Survey of Older Workers - PUMF SOW 5158
Survey of Self Employment - PUMF SSE 3850
Survey on Before and After School Care in Canada-PUMF SBASCC 5345
Survey on Earlier Learning and Child Care Arrangements-PUMF SELCCA 5287
Survey on Health Care Workers’ Experiences During the Pandemic-PUMF SHCWEP 5362
Survey on Financing of Co-operatives - Tables SFCO 5150
Survey on the Importance of Nature to Canadians - PUMF SINC 3808
Survey on the Vitality of Official-Language Minorities - PUMF SVOLM 5099


Products for surveys starting with the letter T
Title Acronym Survey number
Transition Home Survey - Tables THS 3328
Travel Activities and Motivation Survey - PUMF TAMS 4439
Travel Survey of Residents of Canada - PUMF TSRC 3810
Tuition and Living Accommodation Costs - Tables TLAC 3123


Products for surveys starting with the letter U
Title Acronym Survey number
Uniform Crime Reporting Survey - Tables UCR 3302
University and College Academic Staff System - Tables UCASS 3101


Products for surveys starting with the letter V
Title Acronym Survey number
Victim Services Survey - Tables VSS 5035
Violence Against Women Survey - PUMF VAWS 3896
Visitor Travel Survey-PUMF VTS 5261


Products for surveys starting with the letter W
Title Acronym Survey number
Workplace and Employee Survey: Synthetic FilesFootnote* WES 2615

X - No products for surveys starting with the letter X


Products for surveys starting with the letter Y
Title Acronym Survey number
Youth Court Survey - Tables YCS 3309
Youth Custody and Community Services - Tables YCCS 3323
Youth Smoking Survey - PUMF YSS 4401
Youth in Transition Survey: Synthetic FilesFootnote* YITS 4435

Z - No products for surveys starting with the letter Z


Footnote *

Please consult the list of participating institutions and their contacts. If your institution is already a member, please contact the person listed to gain access to products available through the DLI.

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