Modgen System Configuration


In order to develop models using Modgen, your PC must have the following software installed:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community, Professional or Enterprise Edition; or
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Community, Professional or Enterprise Edition

Your PC must therefore meet the minimum requirements for the version of Visual Studio you will be using, such as running Windows 7 SP1 or later. Modgen does not add any additional requirements above those of Visual Studio.

The next sections give step by step instructions on installing and configuring Visual Studio for Modgen use.

Please note the following:

  • Both versions of Visual Studio can be installed on the same PC, and Modgen can be used with either.
  • Modgen must be installed after Visual Studio.
  • The Modgen installer takes care of installing all other non-Visual Studio dependencies needed for model development.

Installing Visual Studio 2015

  1. Run the installation program (vs_community.exe, vs_professional.exe or vs_enterprise.exe)
  2. Select Custom installation type and click Next:
    Screenshot of Installing Visual Studio 2015: Step 2
  3. Select Common Tools for Visual C++ and Microsoft Foundation Classes for C++ under Programming Languages, Visual C++
    Screenshot of Installing Visual Studio 2015: Step 3
  4. Click Next to install Visual Studio 2015

Installing Visual Studio 2017

  1. Run the installation program (vs_community.exe, vs_professional.exe or vs_enterprise.exe)
  2. Click Continue:
    Screenshot of Installing Visual Studio 2017: Step 2
  3. Select the Desktop development with C++ Workload:
    Screenshot of Installing Visual Studio 2017: Step 3
  4. In the Summary sidebar in the right-hand side of the window, select MFC and ATL support (x86 and x64) and Windows 8.1 SDK with UCRT SDK:
    Screenshot of Installing Visual Studio 2017: Step 4
  5. Click Install to install Visual Studio 2017.

Enabling Syntax Highlighting

These steps apply to both Visual Studio 2015 and 2017. Note that the syntax highlighting will be applied to files opened after following the steps below. Closing and re-opening existing editor windows might be required.

  1. Open Visual Studio
  2. In the Quick Launch box at the top-right (CTRL-Q), type Editor File Extension and press Enter:
    Screenshot of Enabling Syntax Highlighting: Step 2
  3. Type mpp in the Extension box, select Microsoft Visual C++ in the Editor drop down and click Add:
    Screenshot of Enabling Syntax Highlighting: Step 3
  4. Do the same as Step 3 for the dat extension. The resulting window should look like this:
    Screenshot of Enabling Syntax Highlighting: Step 4
  5. If you would like to remove the red error underlining that is shown in the Modgen language areas of files, type Intellisense in the search box, and select the C/C++ Advanced page:
    Screenshot of Enabling Syntax Highlighting: Step 5
  6. You can disable the squiggles by setting the Disable Squiggles option to True.
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